Data model

Knowledge representation aims at representing a particular domain and reasoning about it. This is what TROEPS is about. A knowledge base is the repository for the pieces of knowledge on a domain. It can also use other knowledge bases and resources. It is made of four kinds of knowledge:
In the current state of TROEPS, only the first and last part are available and described in the manual.

Figure 1: The four parts of a knowledge base.
TROEPS is an object-based knowledge representation model. This means that individuals are represented as objects. These objects are partitioned in concepts (an object is instance of one and only one concept). An object is thus an instance of a concept; it is attributed a set of fields which are described in the concept. A field expresses either a property, a "part-of" relation link, or a relational link. Fields thus allow to express the relationship between objects (and concepts). The different perspectives one can have on an object are represented through viewpoints: a viewpoint determines first the set of fields which are relevant (or visible) and a hierarchy of classes in which the instances of the concept can be classified under that viewpoint. Classes introduce constraints on the field values of objects which are member of them. They are related through the specialisation relation which determines progressive subsets of the set of the instances of the concept (see Figure 2 ). This progression is supported by the progression of the constraints added from specialisations to the classes they specialise. In each viewpoint, an object is attached to only one class, but is a member of all the classes of which this class is a specialisation. Class taxonomies are the support of powerful classification mechanisms described in the third section. Viewpoints allow one to focus only on the relevant aspects of objects while hiding those which are not. A bridge can be thrown from a set of classes (called the source) to another class (called the destination) of different viewpoints in a concept in order to signify that the instances which are member of all the source classes are also member of the destination class.
For instance, if the domain to be modelled is that of a real estate agency, three viewpoints can be put forth for the house concept. These viewpoints cover the topics of localisation, size and price on the house concept. The localisation viewpoint distinguishes center apartments, suburban houses and other-area among which residential and industrial places. The size viewpoint differentiates flats by the number of their rooms (usually normalised as studio, F1, F2, F3... palace). Lastly, from the price viewpoint there are three rent categories: low, average and high price.

Figure 2: The house concept in the real-estate knowledge base.
The present chapter explores the different entities that are to be understood in order to describe objects in a knowledge base. It does this by going from the more general notion (knowledge base) to the more specific (object). However the reader should keep in mind the headlines drawn above in order to get familiarised with each notion presented here. A glossary, in Appendix 9, can help to remind some specific notions.


Screendump 1: TROEPS server home page.


(tr-init) function in [libtrp]

-> boolean
Initialises the TROEPS system by defining the primitive notions which are described hereafter. Calling this function is compulsory before any use of TROEPS. It can be used in order to re-initialise the whole system: then, any user-defined notion or loaded knowledge base is discarded from the environment.
(tr-version) function in [libtrp]

-> (integer*)
Prints the version number and returns a list of integers denoting the current version of the system.


$ italk
;;; ILOG Talk version 3.3 [sparc_5_gnu]
;;; Copyright (c) 1989-1997 by ILOG
;;; Write to for help
;;; Image saved on Fri Jul  4 19:26:59 1997
;;; Connecting to Emacs server...connected.
;;; Loading workspace 'talk': Ilog Talk kernel workspace
;;; Loading workspace 'trp': Troeps development workspace
;;; Loading workspace 'trt': Troeps taxonomy building tool workspace
;;; Loading workspace 'htrp': Troeps knowledge server development workspace
;;; Loading workspace 'divers': executables and utility files workspace
;;; Welcome to ILOG Talk.
;;; Type (exit) to leave Talk.
? (load-program-unit 'libtrl)
;;; Loading library 'libtrl': Troeps textual interface
;;; Loading run-time environment of 'libtrl': (libtrp)
;;; Loading library 'libtrp': The core Troeps library
;;; Loading object file "/home/lotse/sherpa/TROPES.0/src/sparc_5_gnu/lib/"
;;; Loading object file "/home/lotse/sherpa/TROPES.0/src/sparc_5_gnu/lib/"
= libtrl
? (load-program-unit 'trtdum)
;;; Loading module 'trtdum': Troeps dummy basic type descriptions
;;; Loading object file "/home/lotse/sherpa/TROPES.0/src/sparc_5_gnu/o/trtdum.o"
= trtdum
? (tr-version)
;;; Troeps 1.3a, (C) INRIA, 1992-1999
= (1 3 . 1)
? (add-handler (function troeps-handler))
= #<handler-function troeps-handler #p0019ad70>
? (tr-init)
= t
? (exit)

Knowledge base

A knowledge base groups a set of descriptions concerning the entities occurring in a particular domain. It thus contains a set of concepts (together with their viewpoints, fields, classes, objects and bridges) and a set of knowledge base viewpoints (see below). However, in order to be linked with other domain descriptions, the knowledge base contains reference to a set of other components:
For the time being, a knowledge base can be created and manipulated. It can also be set as current so that each newly created concept will be considered as belonging to that base and will be saved with the base. It can also be loaded from and saved on files of various formats which are explained in Appendix 2.
Concerning data types, the knowledge base loader is not able to load type descriptions thus, they must be loaded independently of the knowledge bases. TROEPS is currently provided with a type module ( trtdum) which declares base types (see Appendix 3).

Figure 3: The real-estate knowledge base can be used by several people. Then, it can be seen from several viewpoints: agent, seller, buyer (for instance).

Knowledge base viewpoints

A knowledge base aims at modelling and structuring knowledge. This knowledge may come from different (sub-)domains on one hand, and the users may, on the other hand, consider their own set of knowledge, of properties and relations between pieces of knowledge. So, knowledge has to be organised in such a way that viewpoints may be described. TROEPS includes the viewpoint notion. Viewpoints have been designed in order to allow specialists in different domains to express their knowledge independently of one another. A viewpoint represents a specific point of view on the knowledge included in the knowledge base. Viewpoints are described at the upper level in the knowledge base and can then be viewpoints on the concepts described in the knowledge base.
These global viewpoints on the knowledge base do not have special prerogatives in the current implementation (they are presented for completeness purposes). They must be distinguished from the concept viewpoints which will be presented later on.


Screendump 2: Knowledge base display.

Screendump 3: Knowledge base edition.

Screendump 4: Knowledge base statistics.


(tr-base-p anything) predicate in [libtrp]

-> boolean, anything entity
Returns anything if the argument anything is a knowledge base, () otherwise.
(tr-create-base basename optional: filename ) function in [libtrp]

-> base, basename string nas,adb, filename filename fnf
Creates and returns a new knowledge base of name basename. It will therefore be known of the system until deletion or initialisation.
(tr-find-base basename) function in [libtrp]

-> base, basename string nas
Retrieves and returns the knowledge base of name basename. When no such base is known, returns ().
(tr-base basename) macro in [libtrp]

-> base, basename string nas
Retrieves and returns the knowledge base of name basename. When no such base is known, creates and returns it.
(tr-delete-base base) function in [libtrp]

-> boolean, base base nab, neo
Deletes the knowledge base base from the environment. This can only happen if the knowledge base is as empty as at its creation. Afterwards, the knowledge base does not exist anymore in the environment.
(tr-erase-base base) function in [libtrp]

-> boolean, base base nab, neo
Deletes the knowledge base base and its content from the environment. Afterwards, neither the knowledge base nor the concepts and objects refered by it exist anymore in the environment.
(tr-base-name base) function in [libtrp]

-> string, base base nab
Returns the name of the knowledge base base.
(tr-base-rename base name ) function in [libtrp]

-> string, base base nab, name string nas, adb
Changes the name of the knowledge base base for the string name.
(tr-base-filename base) setfable function in [libtrp]

-> filename, base base nab
Returns the filename of the knowledge base base. Can be used for changing that filename.
(tr-add-viewpoint base viewpointname) function in [libtrp]

-> boolean, base base nab, viewpointname string nas
Adds the viewpoint name viewpointname to the set of viewpoints of the base base.
(tr-rem-viewpoint base viewpointname) function in [libtrp]

-> boolean, base base nab, viewpointname string nas,nib
Removes the viewpoint name viewpointname from the set of viewpoints of the base base.
(tr-base-viewpoints base) function in [libtrp]

-> { string* }, base base nab
Returns the set of viewpoint names of the base base.
(tr-add-concept base concept) function in [libtrp]

-> boolean, base base nab, concept concept nak
Adds the concept concept to the set of concepts of the base base.
(tr-rem-concept base concept) function in [libtrp]

-> boolean, base base nab, concept concept nak,nib
Removes the concept concept from the set of concepts of the base base.
(tr-base-concepts base) function in [libtrp]

-> { concept* }, base base nab
Returns the set of concepts of the base base.
(tr-base-sorted-concepts base optional: sort-function ) function in [libtrp]

-> { concept* }, base base nab, sort-function function
Returns the set of concepts of the base base in their creation order or the order of the base description file by default. If the sort-function is provided, the concepts are sorted according to it.
(tr-add-import base base2) function in [libtrp]

-> boolean, base base nab, base2 base nak
Adds the base base2 to the set of imported bases of the base base.
(tr-rem-import base base2) function in [libtrp]

-> boolean, base base nab, base2 base nak,nib
Removes the base base from the set of imported bases of the base base.
(tr-base-imports base) function in [libtrp]

-> { base* }, base base nab
Returns the set of imported bases of the base base.
(tr-add-type base type) function in [libtrp]

-> boolean, base base nab, type type nak
Adds the type type to the set of types of the base base.
(tr-rem-type base type) function in [libtrp]

-> boolean, base base nab, type type nak,nib
Removes the type type from the set of types of the base base.
(tr-base-types base) function in [libtrp]

-> { type* }, base base nab
Returns the set of types of the base base.
(tr-add-instance-file base filename) function in [libtrp]

-> boolean, base base nab, filename string nas
Adds the instance file filename to the set of instance files of the base base.
(tr-rem-instance-file base filename) function in [libtrp]

-> boolean, base base nab, filename string nas,nib
Removes the instance file filename from the set of instance files of the base base.
(tr-base-instance-files base) function in [libtrp]

-> { string* }, base base nab
Returns the set of instance files of the base base.
(tr-add-lexicon base filename) function in [libtrp]

-> boolean, base base nab, filename string nas
Adds the lexicon file filename to the set of lexicons of the base base.
(tr-rem-lexicon base filename) function in [libtrp]

-> boolean, base base nab, filename string nas,nib
Removes the lexicon file filename from the set of lexicons of the base base.
(tr-base-lexicons base) function in [libtrp]

-> { string* }, base base nab
Returns the set of lexicons of the base base.
(tr-add-module base modulename) function in [libtrp]

-> boolean, base base nab, modulename string nas
Adds the module name modulename to the set of TALK modules of the base base.
(tr-rem-module base modulename) function in [libtrp]

-> boolean, base base nab, modulename string nas,nib
Removes the module name modulename from the set of TALK modules of the base base.
(tr-base-modules base) function in [libtrp]

-> { modulename* }, base base nab
Returns the set of TALK modules of the base base.
(tr-current-base) setfable function in [libtrp]

-> base, base base nab
Returns the current knowledge base. Can be modified by the form:
(setf (tr-current-base) base) .
(tr-print-report base) function in [libtrp]

-> (), base base nab
Prints a statistical report on the number of entities in the base base.


? (setf (tr-current-base) (tr-create-base "my-real-estate" #f"my-real-estate.bdf"))	
= (tr-base "my-real-estate")
? (tr-base-p ())
= ()
? (tr-base-p (tr-current-base))	
= (tr-base "my-real-estate")
? (eq (tr-current-base) (tr-find-base "my-real-estate"))
= t
? (tr-base "my-real-estate")
= (tr-base "my-real-estate")
? (tr-delete-base (tr-base "my-real-estate"))
= t
? (tr-load-base #f"examples/real-estate.bdf")
= t
? (tr-base-name (tr-current-base))
= "real-estate"
? (tr-base-viewpoints (tr-current-base))
= ("localisation" "size" "price" "function" "test")
? (tr-base-concepts (tr-current-base))
= ((tr-concept "house") (tr-concept "room") (tr-concept "human"))
? (tr-base-sorted-concepts (tr-current-base))
= ((tr-concept "human") (tr-concept "room") (tr-concept "house"))
? (tr-print-report (tr-current-base))
Statistics on the base: real-estate

external types:		0
concepts:		3
conceptslots:		20
conceptviews:		5
classes:		29
filters:		0
classslots:		34
objects:		10
	house:			9
	room:			0
	human:			1
= ()
? (tr-base-filename (tr-current-base))
= #f"examples/real-estate.bdf"
? (tr-erase-base (tr-current-base))
= t
? (tr-load-base #f"examples/real-estate.bdf")
= t
? (setf (tr-current-base)
    (tr-create-base "my-real-estate" #f"my-real-estate.bdf"))
= (tr-base "my-real-estate")
? (tr-add-import (tr-current-base)
	       (tr-find-base "real-estate"))
= ((tr-base "real-estate"))
? (tr-base-imports (tr-current-base))
= ((tr-base "real-estate"))
? (tr-base-imports (tr-find-base "real-estate"))
= ()


Partition of a knowledge base

A knowledge base may distinguish between different and disjoint sets of objects. Let us consider, for instance, the real estate base; it includes families as different as human, house and room. In TROEPS, such a family is called a concept. In a knowledge base, concepts define a partition of the universe: any individual object is instance of one and only one concept.

Figure 4: The partition of the real-estate knowledge base into several concepts: room, house and human.

Structure of concept instances

Individuals, in a concept, are described by their fields; the same fields and only these fields are used to describe the instances of a concept. For instance, the house concept defines the field address, surface, floor, etc. So, the concept is the working space for field names: they are known of the whole concept and, thus, the occurrence of the same field name in the same concept refer to the same field. For instance, the field age in the house concept represents the age of the building in which the apartment is. But, on another hand, two different fields in two different concepts can have the same name (for instance, the human concept can have an age field too).
These fields are defined at the concept level. The mandatory field definition describes the whole information valid for any occurrence of it in the concept. It includes:
These notions are detailed in the "concept field" section.

Identity and integrity

The objects are identified within a concept through a key. This means that, in each concept, a set of fields (called the key) is distinguished. Any instance of the concept is identified by the value of these fields. For instance, the identification of a person can be done by the "social security number" or her/his full name and birthday; an apartment is identified in a unique manner by the set of fields: {address, floor, number} ; a "real estate agent" can be defined by its name and the name of its "subsidiary". So, there do not exist two instances with the same values for all the key-fields. Not only the key is unique (which warrants identity) but it is invariant (which warrants integrity): one cannot change what makes the identity of an object. All these properties are ensured by the TROEPS system. Another constraint on the key is that it must be visible under any viewpoint in order to identify the object.
Furthermore, TROEPS allows to handle incomplete instances, but the values of key fields is the minimal information required to create an object and manipulate it. In such a way, the system considers this object as a member of a concept in the knowledge base, so it may identify it as different from other instances.
TROEPS does not handle multiple keys on objects: for instance, an estate agent, usually retrieves the houses from their price and number of rooms rather than from their location. It could be convenient to address the same set of objects by both keys, but TROEPS does not offer it (however, this can be easily added if necessary; but multiple keys would introduce unavoidable functional dependencies which would have to be taken into account by the implementation).
Thus, minimal information for an instance is the name of the concept plus the set of valued fields of the key.

Keys and cycles

The dependency graph between keys (i.e. the graph which links a concept to the concepts which are the type of its key fields) cannot contain cycles. This is motivated by both computational and semantic considerations. For the latter, if it is required for an object to have a defined key in order to exist, then this key must refer to an existing object which does not depend upon the given object. Thus, circularities must be prohibited at the level of the object keys. One could imagine circularities at the concept level which do not imply circularities for the objects. For instance, one can give as the key of the human concept the fields father, mother and surname with father and mother being human. This makes sense but can only be interpreted upon an infinite domain of human beings. TROEPS prohibits such kind of non-circular key reference at the instance level which leads to circular reference at the concept level, because it is harmful for the user. As a matter of fact, this raises problems because for creating your first human you must provide his (or her) parents which are also humans. Tackling interpretation over infinite domains of objects could be the subject of a further version of TROEPS introducing the lazy instanciation of keys.
As a consequence of non circularity through keys, concepts can be partially ordered and this order must be respected by the knowledge base file format (see Appendix 2).
In this first version of TROEPS, it is also not possible to have circularities through any kind of slots. This must change soon, but for the time being it is possible to use links (see conceptslot) instead of first class concept slots.


Concepts are not totally independent, however. Even if concepts are different, they are related in some manner in the universe to be modelled. In TROEPS, this interaction is modelled through the fields and components of the concept instances. For instance, in the house concept , the field inhabitant has its values in the concept human.
In this first version of TROEPS, it is not possible to refer to a previously undefined concept in a concept. This will be changed soon.

Figure 5: The fields inhabitant and owner (resp. rooms) in the house concept has instances of the concept human (resp. room) as values (upper drawing). Also depicted in an entity relationship diagram (lower one).
The nature of the reference is modelled through the nature descriptor of the concept field.

Visibility versus typing

The restrictions introduced by the use of viewpoints are manifold. One can distinguish between the hiding of properties and definition of properties. A viewpoint only introduces the hiding of properties: when some fields are not reachable under a particular viewpoint, this does not mean that objects do not have these fields but that they are not visible from the viewpoint. However, objects do have these fields. As a consequence, even if the fields are not visible, they can still introduce some constraints on the object (imagine a magnet, you cannot see the polarity but there are positions in which it cannot remain). This could lead to some surprise for the programmer: the hidden parts of an object still play their role in the shadow. This is mainly relevant for concepts in which there are a lot of bridges and inter-field constraints.
Also, this is related with the definition of field types. When it is said that the type descriptor of a class field can have a set of classes (of different viewpoints) as values, this has to be interpreted as a constraint but not as a visibility information: the constraint is that the value of the field (in order for the object to be in the class) must be member of each of the classes. It does not mean that the value is only visible under the corresponding viewpoints.


Screendump 5: Concept display.

Screendump 6: Concept edition.

Screendump 7: Concept creation.


(tr-concept-p anything) predicate in [libtrp]

-> boolean, anything entity
Returns anything if the argument anything is a concept, () otherwise.
(tr-create-concept conceptname key) function in [libtrp]

-> concept, conceptname string nas,adk,
key ( ( name string nas type string|concept ivt constructor string nas,ivc nature string nas,ivn)ivks+ ) ivks, esk
Creates and returns a new concept of name conceptname and the provided set of concept fields specifications ( key) as key. It will therefore be known of the system until deletion or initialisation.
(tr-find-concept conceptname) function in [libtrp]

-> concept, conceptname string nas
Retrieves and returns the concept of name conceptname. When no such concept is known, returns ().
(tr-concept conceptname key ) macro in [libtrp]

-> concept, conceptname string nas,
key ( ( name string nas type string|concept ivt constructor string nas,ivc nature string nas,ivn)ivks+ ) ivks, esk
Retrieves and returns the concept of name conceptname. When no such concept is known, creates it (with the key specification key) and returns it.
(tr-delete-concept concept) function in [libtrp]

-> boolean, concept concept nak, neo
Deletes the concept concept from the environment. This can only happen if the concept is as empty as at its creation. Afterwards, the concept does not exist anymore in the environment.
(tr-erase-concept concept) function in [libtrp]

-> boolean, concept concept nak, neo
Deletes the concept concept and its content from the environment. Afterwards, neither the concept nor the conceptviews, conceptslots, bridges and objects it contains exist anymore in the environment.
(tr-concept-name concept) function in [libtrp]

-> string, concept concept nak
Returns the name of the concept concept.
(tr-concept-rename concept name ) function in [libtrp]

-> string, concept concept nak, name string nas, adk
Changes the name of the concept concept for the string name. This also changes the names of the root classes of each concept viewpoint if any.
(tr-concept-key concept) function in [libtrp]

-> ( keyslot* ), concept concept nak
Returns the key of the concept concept, i.e. the (ordered) list of keyslots which forms the key.
Known bug: this is currently a set of string (the names of the key slots) which is returned.
(tr-concept-slots concept) function in [libtrp]

-> { conceptslot* }, concept concept nak
Returns the set of concept slots of the concept concept.
(tr-concept-sorted-slots concept optional: sort-function ) function in [libtrp]

-> { conceptslot* }, concept concept nak, sort-function function
Returns the set of concept slots of the concept concept in their creation order or in their order in the base description file by default. If the sort-function is provided, the concept slots are sorted according to it.
(tr-concept-views concept) function in [libtrp]

-> { conceptview* }, concept concept nak
Returns the set of concept views of the concept concept.
(tr-concept-sorted-views concept optional: sort-function ) function in [libtrp]

-> { conceptview* }, concept concept nak, sort-function function
Returns the set of concept views of the concept concept in their creation order or in their order in the base description file by default. If the sort-function is provided, the concept views are sorted according to it.
(tr-concept-bridges concept) function in [libtrp]

-> { bridge* }, concept concept nak
Returns the set of bridges across viewpoints of the concept concept.
(tr-concept-instances concept) function in [libtrp]

-> { instance* }, concept concept nak
Returns the set of instances of the concept concept.
(tr-concept-sorted-instances concept optional: sort-function ) function in [libtrp]

-> { instance* }, concept concept nak, sort-function function
Returns the set of instances of the concept concept in their creation order or in their order in the base description file by default. If the sort-function is provided, the objects are sorted according to it.


? (tr-create-concept "agent"
   '(("name" "chaine" "un" "propriete"))
     ("subsidiary" "chaine" "un" "propriete")))
= (tr-concept "agent")
? (tr-find-concept "agent")
= (tr-concept "agent")
? (tr-concept-p (tr-find-concept "agent"))
= (tr-concept "agent")
? (tr-delete-concept (tr-concept "agent"))
= t
? (tr-concept-p ())
= ()
? (tr-create-concept "agent" '(("name" "chaine" "un" "propriete")))
= (tr-concept "agent")
? (tr-add-concept (tr-current-base) (tr-find-concept "agent"))
= ((tr-concept "agent"))
? (tr-base-concepts (tr-current-base))
= ((tr-concept "agent"))
? (tr-concept-name (tr-find-concept "agent"))
= "agent"
? (tr-concept-key (tr-find-concept "agent"))
= ("name")
? (tr-concept-slots (tr-find-concept "agent"))
= ((tr-conceptslot (tr-concept "agent") "name"))
? (tr-concept-views (tr-find-concept "agent"))
= ()
? (tr-concept-views (tr-find-concept "agent"))
? (tr-concept-bridges (tr-find-concept "agent"))
= ()
? (tr-concept-instances (tr-find-concept "agent"))
= ()
? (tr-concept-instances (tr-find-concept "agent"))
= ()

Field definition: conceptual aspects

Field definitions assert that the instances of a concept have a particular set of fields. They also assert important characteristics of the fields such as the type of the field value, the fact that it is a property or a composition link. They thus define the structure of the objects. The definition of a concept field is unique for the whole concept. It contains the minimum information for TROEPS to handle the field values of individual objects. It is valid under each viewpoint in which it can only be refined. The definition of a concept field appears in the definition of the concepts; for a field to appear in a class, it must have been defined in the concept first; conversely, a field can appear in a concept and remain hidden under every viewpoint. It is thus useless for manipulation by the user of the knowledge base but participates in the essence of the concept. The characteristics of the concept field are:
Each of these characteristics are introduced by what is called a descriptor. As an example the size field of a house is a property ( propriete nature), has only one ( un constructor) value which is an integer (type) and can be computed by summing the size of the rooms field which is a composite ( component nature) field whose value is a set ( ensemble constructor) of objects in the room concept (type). All is detailed below.


The type descriptor for a concept introduces the basic value type of a particular field. There are two important kinds of field values in TROEPS: objects (instances of a TROEPS concept) and values (of a particular basic type). In addition, the field value itself can be a homogeneous collection of objects or values. This is indicated by the constructor descriptor (see below). When the basic value must be an object, the value of the type descriptor is the concept to which that object must belong. When it is a value, the value of the type descriptor must be the type of the value. Types must be distinguished between elementary types and record types.
Elementary types are defined in the type system through abstract data types. TROEPS is provided with a basic set of types ( entier, chaine, booleen, reel) through the trtdum module. The user can extend this set very easily (see Appendix 5).
Record types are automatically created by the type system in order to help many tasks of the TROEPS system. They are accessible as types by the user. Thus, it is possible to declare a field as having a value of a record type. However, this record type must correspond to the type associated with a concept. The difference between an object, instance of a concept, and a value of the record-type corresponding to that concept lies in the identity-integrity mechanism. As said above, TROEPS ensures that two objects with the same key cannot be created; this is no longer true for the record values. Moreover, a concept records the set of its instances while a type does not record the set of its values. When queried for the object with a particular key, a concept will return the only object of that kind if it has been created while a type queried for a value with particular field values will return a new record with these characteristics regardless to whether an equal value has been created before or not. Thus, the same query for the same object returns the same object (identity) while the same query for the same value returns two different values (equality but not identity). As a consequence, it is up to the user (or his program) to record the values which cannot be found by the type system.
This is generalised to the object/value difference without regarding the fact that the value is a record, a list or any other kind of value: the object is identified with its concept and its key while the values are identified by their structure. This leads to important consequences on keys: an object can have either another object or a value as the value of a field of its key, but they are treated differently by TROEPS:


The constructor descriptor indicates whether the value of the field will be a unique entity (of the type given by the type descriptor), a list of entities (of the type given by the type descriptor) or a set of entities (of the type given by the type descriptor). The value of the descriptor is a keyword which can be un, liste (list) or ensemble (set).
A list is a (possibly empty) ordered collection of entities which can appear more than once. A set is a (possibly empty) collection of entities with no repetition. A set is not ordered (thus there is no first nor nth element of a set).
Since these collection constructors are pre-defined in TROEPS, TROEPS provides field accessors for adding elements, removing, testing membership of entities to these fields. Its is also possible to reach the value as a whole and to apply classical TALK operators on it (see the "object" section).


Concept fields are distinguished by their nature. The pre-defined natures for the time being are propriete (property), composant (component) and lien (link). These are the values admissible for the nature descriptor. The nature covers quite deep semantic functions of the system and thus some important reflection have to be carried out before achieving a satisfying extendible nature system.
The property is not attached a particular meaning except that the field defines an object or value which is that of the corresponding property of the object. By opposition, the component nature is attached to fields with a very precise semantics.
The link nature is a mean to define recursive links between objects. The links introduce restrictions with regard first class properties: they are not taken into account by classification and filtering algorithms. All the other functions (e.g. type checking when assigning a link or migrating the object) are available.
The study of the composition relation has shown that it contains a plethora of meanings and could eventually be described as a taxonomy emphasising functional, homeomerous and separable characteristics. It has shown six different relations: component/integral object (handle-cup), member/collection (tree-forest), portion/mass (slice-pie), stuff/object (steel-bike), feature/activity (paying-shopping) and place/area (oasis-desert). The composition relation is functional when the parts support a functional role with respect to the whole; it is homeomerous when the parts are similar to each other and to the whole to which they belong and it is separable when the parts can be separated from the whole to which they are connected. In TROEPS, the component/object meaning is used. However, this meaning is so rich that no checking about it can be made by the system. It is up to the designers of knowledge bases to take care of this, so that the reasoning they might ask the system to perform is valid.
The services provided by TROEPS for component fields are the following:
Since composition is modelled thanks to composite fields, a same object can be decomposed in many ways, as many as there are viewpoints. For instance, a car can be composed of the engine, the breaking system, the transmission system, etc., in a mechanical viewpoint, and can also be composed of its doors, its body, etc., in a physical viewpoint. On the contrary, one can wish to decompose an object in the same way in every viewpoint; this can be done by defining composite fields common to all the viewpoints.
The transitive reduction of component relations under a viewpoint constitutes a tree of exclusive branches. The exclusivity of the component nature means that an object cannot be a component of two different objects unless they are themselves in a component relation.


Screendump 8: Concept field display.

Screendump 9: Concept field edition.

Screendump 10: Concept field creation.


(tr-conceptslot-p anything) predicate in [libtrp]

-> boolean, anything entity
Returns anything if the argument anything is a concept field, () otherwise.
(tr-create-conceptslot concept conceptslotname type const nature ) function in [libtrp]

-> conceptslot, concept concept nak,
conceptslotname string nas,adks, type string|concept ivt, const string nas, ivc , nature string nas, ivn
Creates and returns a new concept field of name conceptslotname in the concept concept. It will therefore be known of the system until deletion or initialisation. The conceptslot is automatically added to the list of fields of the concept concept whose type is updated.
(tr-find-conceptslot concept conceptslotname ) function in [libtrp]

-> conceptslot, concept concept nak, conceptslotname string nas
Retrieves and returns the concept field of name conceptslotname in the concept concept. When no such concept field is known, returns ().
(tr-conceptslot concept conceptslotname type const nature ) macro in [libtrp]

-> conceptslot, concept concept nak, conceptslotname string nas,
type string|concept ivt, const string nas, ivc , nature string nas, ivn
Retrieves and returns the concept field of name conceptslotname in the concept concept. When no such concept field is known, creates and returns it.
(tr-delete-conceptslot conceptslot) function in [libtrp]

-> boolean, conceptslot conceptslot naks,cmk, neo
Deletes the concept field conceptslot. This can only happen if the concept slot is as empty as at its creation and no classslot with the same name exists in the concept.
(tr-erase-conceptslot conceptslot) function in [libtrp]

-> boolean, conceptslot conceptslot naks,cmk, neo
Deletes the concept field conceptslot from the environment. Afterwards neither the conceptslot nor the classslots refering to it nor the fields of the same name in the objects exist anymore in the environment.
(tr-conceptslot-concept conceptslot) function in [libtrp]

-> concept, conceptslot conceptslot naks
Returns the concept of the concept field conceptslot.
(tr-conceptslot-name conceptslot) function in [libtrp]

-> string, conceptslot conceptslot naks
Returns the name of the concept field conceptslot.
(tr-conceptslot-rename conceptslot name ) function in [libtrp]

-> string, conceptslot conceptslot naks, name string nas, adks
Changes the name of the concept field conceptslot for the string name. This also changes the name of all the corresponding class fields.
(tr-conceptslot-viewpoints conceptslot) function in [libtrp]

-> { conceptview* }, conceptslot conceptslot naks
Returns the set of concept viewpoints under which the field is visible in its concept. This set is automatically updated when a class field is declared in a class.
(tr-get-conceptslot-type conceptslot) function in [libtrp]

-> string, conceptslot conceptslot naks
Returns the type of the concept field conceptslot.
(tr-get-conceptslot-constructor conceptslot) function in [libtrp]

-> string, conceptslot conceptslot naks
Returns the constructor of the concept field conceptslot.
(tr-get-conceptslot-nature conceptslot) function in [libtrp]

-> string, conceptslot conceptslot naks
Returns the nature of the concept field conceptslot.


? (tr-create-conceptslot (tr-find-concept "agent") "segment" "chaine" "un" "propriete")
= (tr-conceptslot (tr-concept "agent") "segment")
? (tr-create-conceptslot (tr-find-concept "agent")
    "houses" (tr-find-concept "house") "ensemble" "propriete")
= (tr-conceptslot (tr-concept "agent") "houses")
? (tr-create-conceptslot (tr-find-concept "agent") "subsidiary" "chaine" "un" "propriete")
= (tr-conceptslot (tr-concept "agent") "subsidiary")
? (tr-concept-sorted-slots (tr-find-concept "agent"))
= ((tr-conceptslot (tr-concept "agent") "name")
	(tr-conceptslot (tr-concept "agent") "segment")
	(tr-conceptslot (tr-concept "agent") "houses")
	(tr-conceptslot (tr-concept "agent") "subsidiary"))
? (tr-delete-conceptslot (tr-conceptslot (tr-concept "agent") "subsidiary"))
= t
? (tr-concept-slots (tr-find-concept "agent"))
= ((tr-conceptslot (tr-concept "agent") "houses")
   (tr-conceptslot (tr-concept "agent") "name")
   (tr-conceptslot (tr-concept "agent") "segment"))
? (tr-create-conceptslot (tr-find-concept "agent") "area" "chaine" "un" "propriete")
= (tr-conceptslot (tr-concept "agent") "area")
? (tr-create-conceptslot (tr-find-concept "agent") "comission" "reel" "un" "propriete")
= (tr-conceptslot (tr-concept "agent") "comission")
? (tr-find-conceptslot (tr-find-concept "agent") "houses")
= (tr-conceptslot (tr-concept "agent") "houses")
? (tr-conceptslot-p (tr-find-conceptslot (tr-find-concept "agent") "name"))
= (tr-conceptslot (tr-concept "agent") "name")
? (tr-conceptslot-p ())
= ()
? (tr-conceptslot-concept (tr-conceptslot (tr-find-concept "agent") "segment"))
= (tr-concept "agent")
? (tr-conceptslot-name (tr-conceptslot (tr-find-concept "agent") "segment"))
= "segment"
? (tr-get-conceptslot-type (tr-conceptslot (tr-find-concept "agent") "segment"))
= "chaine"
? (tr-get-conceptslot-type (tr-conceptslot (tr-find-concept "agent") "houses"))
= (tr-concept "house")
? (tr-get-conceptslot-constructor (tr-conceptslot (tr-find-concept "agent") "segment"))
= "un"
? (tr-get-conceptslot-constructor (tr-conceptslot (tr-find-concept "agent") "houses"))
= "ensemble"
? (tr-get-conceptslot-nature (tr-conceptslot (tr-find-concept "agent") "segment"))
= "propriete"


Individual instances of a concept can be seen under different viewpoints -- and thus described -- from different viewpoints; each viewpoint determines a specific class hierarchy, and hides some characteristics of a concept (field and class constraints). In such a way, it is possible to see only the fields concerned with a viewpoint and to structure the concept in a class hierarchy which is significant for the viewpoint. The observation of an object through a viewpoint reveals only a part of its fields. An instance is observable under each viewpoint, but only a sub-set of its fields. However, the fields of the key are always visible in each viewpoints in order to be able to identify the objects.

Figure 6: The notions involved in a TROEPS knowledge base.

Structure of a viewpoint

A viewpoint defines a particular decomposition of the set of objects instance of the concept. This is materialised by a particular taxonomy of classes proper to the viewpoint. In a viewpoint, classes are related by the specialisation relation. A class (so called super-class) is specialised in more restrictive classes (its sub-classes) which represent sub-sets of the objects attached to the super-class. The specialisation relation is transitive: a class is a sub-class of its direct super-class and of its super-classes. Every class is described inside the viewpoint (see the "class" section).
This class taxonomy in a viewpoint has a tree structure. The root represents all the objects of the concept, it has no super-class. The root class is named after the concept. The root class cannot be constrained (because this could exclude some instances of the concept). Any other class in the hierarchy has only one direct super-class.
In each viewpoint, objects are attached to one and only one class of the class hierarchy, in which each class represents a set of objects. These viewpoints on a concept are not totally independent: they communicates through bridges (see the "bridge" section).

Constraints on the taxonomy

By default, in TROEPS, taxonomies do not have particular constraints. The classes are descriptions of (i.e. necessary conditions for belonging to) an intended set of objects but they are not constrained to be exclusive nor exhaustive. An exclusive taxonomy is a taxonomy in which the direct sub-classes of a particular class have pairwise disjoint extensions: an object cannot be member of two of these classes. An exhaustive taxonomy is one in which the direct sub-classes of a particular class cover (as a whole) the extension of the super-class: any object belonging to the super-class is a member of one of its sub-classes. Lastly, a definitional taxonomy is one for which the extension of the class exactly corresponds to the set of objects which comply the definition of the class: the description expresses necessary and sufficient conditions for belonging to the class.
These defaults can be changed viewpoint by viewpoint. Then TROEPS algorithms take advantage of the indications in order to provide more appropriate results.


Screendump 11: Viewpoint display.

Screendump 12: Viewpoint edition.

Screendump 13: Viewpoint creation.


(tr-conceptview-p anything) predicate in [libtrp]

-> boolean, anything entity
Returns anything if the argument anything is a concept viewpoint, () otherwise.
(tr-create-conceptview concept conceptviewname ) function in [libtrp]

-> conceptview, concept concept nak, conceptviewname string nas,adkv
Creates and returns a new concept viewpoint of name conceptviewname in the concept concept. It will therefore be known of the system until deletion or initialisation.
(tr-find-conceptview concept conceptviewname ) function in [libtrp]

-> conceptview, concept concept nak, conceptviewname string nas
Retrieves and returns the concept viewpoint of name conceptviewname in the concept concept. When no such concept viewpoint is known, returns ().
(tr-conceptview concept conceptviewname ) macro in [libtrp]

-> conceptview, concept concept nak, conceptviewname string nas
Retrieves and returns the concept viewpoint of name conceptviewname in the concept concept. When no such concept viewpoint is known, creates and returns it.
(tr-delete-conceptview conceptview) function in [libtrp]

-> boolean, conceptview conceptview nakv, neo
Deletes the concept viewpoint conceptview from its concept. This can only happen if the concept view is as empty as at its creation. Afterwards, the concept viewpoint does not exist anymore in the environment.
(tr-erase-conceptview conceptview) function in [libtrp]

-> boolean, conceptview conceptview nakv, neo
Deletes the concept viewpoint conceptview and its content from its concept. Afterwards, neither the concept viewpoint nor the classes it contains nor the bridges which refer to these classes exist anymore in the environment.
(tr-conceptview-concept conceptview) function in [libtrp]

-> concept, conceptview conceptview nakv
Returns the concept of the concept viewpoint conceptview.
(tr-conceptview-name conceptview) function in [libtrp]

-> string, conceptview conceptview nakv
Returns the name of the concept viewpoint conceptview.
(tr-conceptview-rename conceptview name ) function in [libtrp]

-> string, conceptview conceptview nakv, name string nas, adkv
Changes the name of the concept view conceptview for the string name.
(tr-conceptview-root conceptview) function in [libtrp]

-> class, conceptview conceptview nakv
Returns the root class of the concept viewpoint conceptview.
(tr-conceptview-exhaustive conceptview optional: boolean) function in [libtrp]

-> boolean, conceptview conceptview nakv, boolean boolean
Sets (if boolean is provided) the exhaustiveness of the concept viewpoint conceptview to boolean and returns the exhaustiveness of the concept viewpoint.
(tr-conceptview-exclusive conceptview optional: boolean) function in [libtrp]

-> boolean, conceptview conceptview nakv, boolean boolean
Sets (if boolean is provided) the exclusiveness of the concept viewpoint conceptview to boolean and returns the exclusiveness of the concept viewpoint.
(tr-conceptview-definitional conceptview optional: boolean) function in [libtrp]

-> boolean, conceptview conceptview nakv, boolean boolean
Sets (if boolean is provided) the definitional character of the concept viewpoint conceptview to boolean and returns the value of the definitional character of the concept viewpoint.


? (tr-create-conceptview (tr-concept "agent") "buyer")
= (tr-conceptview (tr-concept "agent") "buyer")
? (tr-create-conceptview (tr-concept "agent") "seller")
= (tr-conceptview (tr-concept "agent") "seller")
? (tr-conceptview-p (tr-find-conceptview (tr-concept "agent") "buyer"))
= (tr-conceptview (tr-concept "agent") "buyer")
? (tr-conceptview-p ())
= ()
? (tr-create-conceptview (tr-concept "agent") "tax-collector")
= (tr-conceptview (tr-concept "agent") "tax-collector")
? (tr-delete-conceptview (tr-conceptview (tr-concept "agent") "tax-collector"))
= t
? (tr-concept-views (tr-find-concept "agent"))
= ((tr-conceptview (tr-concept "agent") "buyer")
   (tr-conceptview (tr-concept "agent") "seller"))
? (tr-concept-sorted-views (tr-find-concept "agent"))
= ((tr-conceptview (tr-concept "agent") "buyer")
	(tr-conceptview (tr-concept "agent") "seller"))
? (tr-conceptview-concept (tr-conceptview (tr-concept "agent") "buyer"))
= (tr-concept "agent")
? (tr-conceptview-name (tr-conceptview (tr-concept "agent") "buyer"))
= "buyer"
? (tr-conceptview-root (tr-conceptview (tr-concept "agent") "buyer"))
= (tr-class (tr-conceptview (tr-concept "agent") "buyer") "agent")
? (tr-conceptview-exhaustive (tr-conceptview (tr-concept "agent") "buyer"))
= ()
? (tr-conceptview-exclusive (tr-conceptview (tr-concept "agent") "buyer"))
= ()
? (tr-conceptview-exclusive (tr-conceptview (tr-concept "agent") "buyer") t)
= t
? (tr-conceptview-exclusive (tr-conceptview (tr-concept "agent") "buyer"))
= t
? (tr-conceptview-definitional (tr-conceptview (tr-concept "agent") "buyer"))
= ()

Class definition

A class specifies a virtual set of instances in a concept. This set is described with the help of restrictions on fields of the objects.

The class structure

A class is identified by the viewpoint in which it is defined (which in turns refers to its concept), a name (unique in a concept viewpoint) and a super-class. These three elements are mandatory for all classes but the root classes. Root classes are automatically defined when a viewpoint is defined on a concept. They have no super-class and their name is that of the concept.
A class can introduce field restrictions on fields visible under the viewpoint, this constitutes the set of class fields of a class. The field restrictions are considered in the next section. A root class, however, cannot introduce any restriction on the fields because it is meant to represent the whole set of instances of the concept.
Last, a class can introduce bridges from it (and other classes in other viewpoints) to another class (in another viewpoint). Bridges are examined below. A root class is automatically connected through bridges with the root class of any other viewpoint of the concept.


The specialisation relation between classes support several interpretations whose discussion is out of the scope of this manual. It is expressed by the transitive closure of the super-class--sub-class link: the sub-class is a specialisation of the super-class and also specialisation of the classes its super-class is a specialisation of (see example). A class can have only one super-class and the root class is the only class which does not have a super-class. A class can have several sub-classes.
The specialisation is intended to be exclusive: in the same viewpoint, a particular instance cannot be a member of two classes which are not in a specialisation relation. However, the exclusivity is only subjective, this means that the system cannot warrant it from the definition of the classes. Of course, the system will signal if one tries to attach an object to two incomparable classes but it will not be able to decide whether the two classes are really exclusive. For example, some people once thought that in the person classes, republican and Quakers were two exclusive classes since republican were reputed to be bellicists and Quakers pacifists. However, it turned out that Richard Nixon was both republican and Quaker: he thus must be attached (who said "should have been"?) to two supposedly exclusive classes.
On the other hand, TROEPS does not suppose that sub-classes are exhaustive (i.e. that any member of a class must be a member of a sub-class). These two properties are very important for the determination of the classification algorithms which can take advantage of the properties. They are also used by other mechanisms (such as the definition of bridges, see below the "bridge" section).

Figure 7: As an example, here, the class-sub-class link is established between Residential and Other, Industrial and Other, Other and House (the root class). This means that Residential (and Industrial as well) is a specialisation of both Other and House. This specialisation is interpreted as the inclusion of the set of members.
The specialisation constrains any object attached to a class to be also member of its super-classes and that any field definition in a class is more (or equally) restricted than that of its super-classes. Consequently, objects are only attached to their most specific class and the system is able to infer that they are member to all of its super classes. Field restrictions do also not have to be expressed completely. It is sufficient to define only the restrictions from the super-classes the system will be able to infer the complete type of the field from the super-classes type restrictions and the new one.
As an example, in the real estate base, the concept key is address, floor and number. Thus, under the localisation viewpoint, these three fields are visible. The center class is a subclass of the root class (called house) of this viewpoint. There are two alternatives for characterising the set of objects which can be classified under that class:
Any house which is member a of the center class will also be a member of the house class (of which all houses are members).

Membership and attachment

An object is attached to only one class in each viewpoint. It is also said that the object is member of all super-classes of that class. As a matter of fact, it is compliant with the field restriction on that class (and thus with the field restriction of all the super-classes of that class).
So, while objects are instances of a concept, they can only be attached to a class. Upon creation, each instance is attached to each root class of each viewpoint of the concept. The difference is critical for several reasons:
The attachment of an object to a class is a voluntary act from the users (or one of their programs). This act can be accomplished even if some fields are missing. The only constraint is that available field values satisfy their types in the attachment class. However, the consequence of attachment is that unfilled fields must implicitly satisfy their type as well even if they are unknown.


Screendump 14: Class display.

Screendump 15: Class edition.

Screendump 16: Attached objects.

Screendump 17: Class creation.


(tr-class-p anything) predicate in [libtrp]

-> boolean, anything entity
Returns anything if the argument anything is a class, () otherwise.
(tr-create-classsuperclass classname ) function in [libtrp]

-> class,, superclass class nac classname string nas, adc
Creates and returns a new class of name classname. This class is a specialisation of the class superclass and is part of the concept viewpoint of this last class. It will, therefore, be in the concept viewpoint hierarchy until deletion or initialisation.
(tr-find-class conceptview classnam e) function in [libtrp]

-> class, conceptview conceptview nakv, classname string nas
Retrieves and returns the class of name classname in the concept viewpoint conceptview. When no such class is known, returns ().
(tr-class conceptview classname superclass ) macro in [libtrp]

-> class, conceptview conceptview nakv, classname string nas, superclass class nac, nikv
Retrieves and returns the class of name classname in the concept viewpoint conceptview. When no such class is known, creates it as a specialisation of the class superclass and returns it.
(tr-delete-class class) function in [libtrp]

-> boolean, class class nac, cdrc, neo
Deletes the class class from the environment. This leads to its deletion in its concept viewpoint hierarchy and can only happen if the class is as empty as at its creation. Afterwards, the class does not exist anymore in the environment.
(tr-erase-class class) function in [libtrp]

-> boolean, class class nac, cdrc, neo
Deletes the class class andits content from the environment. Afterwards, neither the class nor its classslots and constraints nor the bridges which refer to it exist anymore in the environment.
(tr-class-conceptview class) function in [libtrp]

-> conceptview, class class nac
Returns the concept viewpoint of the class class.
(tr-class-concept class) function in [libtrp]

-> concept, class class nac
Returns the concept of the class class.
(tr-class-name class) function in [libtrp]

-> string, class class nac
Returns the name of the class class.
(tr-class-rename class name ) function in [libtrp]

-> string, class class nac, name string nas, adc, crrc
Changes the name of the class class for the string name. The root class name cannot be changed.
(tr-class-superclass class) function in [libtrp]

-> class, class class nac
Returns the superclass of the class class or () if class is a root class.
(tr-class-subclasses class) function in [libtrp]

-> { class* }, class class nac
Returns the set of direct sub-classes of the class class.
(tr-class-all-subclasses class) function in [libtrp]

-> { class* }, class class nac
Returns the set of sub-classes of the class class.
(tr-class-superclass-p superclass class ) function in [libtrp]

-> boolean, superclass classnac, class class nac, nikv
Tells wether the class superclass is a superclass (at any level) of the class class.
(tr-class-bridges-in class) function in [libtrp]

-> { bridge* }, class class nac
Returns the set of bridges whose destination is the class class.
(tr-class-bridges-out class) function in [libtrp]

-> { bridge* }, class class nac
Returns the set of bridges whose source contains the class class.
(tr-class-sorted-slots class optional: sort-function ) function in [libtrp]

-> { classslot* }, class class nac, sort-function function
Returns the set of class fields of the class class in the creation order of the corresponding conceptslots (or their order in the base description file) by default. If the sort-function is provided, the classslots are sorted according to it.
(tr-class-slots class) function in [libtrp]

-> { classslot* }, class class nac
Returns the set of class fields of the class class.
( tr-class-attached class) function in [libtrp]

-> { object* }, class class nac
Returns the set of objects attached to the class class.
(tr-class-members class) function in [libtrp]

-> { object* }, class class nac
Returns the set of objects member of the class class.


? (tr-create-class
    (tr-conceptview-root (tr-conceptview (tr-concept "agent") "buyer")) "good")
= (tr-class (tr-conceptview (tr-concept "agent") "buyer") "good")
? (tr-create-class
    (tr-conceptview-root (tr-conceptview (tr-concept "agent") "buyer")) "bad")
= (tr-class (tr-conceptview (tr-concept "agent") "buyer") "bad")
? (tr-create-class
    (tr-conceptview-root (tr-conceptview (tr-concept "agent") "seller")) "good")
= (tr-class (tr-conceptview (tr-concept "agent") "seller") "good")
? (tr-create-class
    (tr-conceptview-root (tr-conceptview (tr-concept "agent") "seller")) "bad")
= (tr-class (tr-conceptview (tr-concept "agent") "seller") "bad")
? (tr-create-class
    (tr-find-class (tr-conceptview (tr-concept "agent") "buyer") "good") "favorite")
= (tr-class (tr-conceptview (tr-concept "agent") "buyer") "favorite")
? (tr-create-class
    (tr-find-class (tr-conceptview (tr-concept "agent") "buyer") "good") "valuable")
= (tr-class (tr-conceptview (tr-concept "agent") "buyer") "valuable")
? (tr-class-p ())
= ()
? (tr-class-p (tr-find-class (tr-conceptview (tr-concept "agent") "buyer") "favorite"))
= (tr-class (tr-conceptview (tr-concept "agent") "buyer") "favorite")
? (tr-create-class
    (tr-find-class (tr-conceptview (tr-concept "agent") "buyer") "good") "not-so-good")
= (tr-class (tr-conceptview (tr-concept "agent") "buyer") "not-so-good")
? (tr-delete-class (tr-class (tr-conceptview (tr-concept "agent") "buyer") "not-so-good"))
= t
? (tr-superclass-p
	(tr-find-class (tr-conceptview (tr-concept "agent") "buyer") "good")
 	(tr-find-class (tr-conceptview (tr-concept "agent") "buyer") "valuable"))
= t
? (tr-superclass-p
	(tr-find-class (tr-conceptview (tr-concept "agent") "buyer") "valuable")
	(tr-find-class (tr-conceptview (tr-concept "agent") "buyer") "good"))
= ()
? (tr-superclass-p
	(tr-find-class (tr-conceptview (tr-concept "agent") "buyer") "valuable")
	(tr-find-class (tr-conceptview (tr-concept "agent") "buyer") "favorite"))
= ()
? (tr-class-conceptview
    (tr-class (tr-conceptview (tr-concept "agent") "buyer") "favorite"))
= (tr-conceptview (tr-concept "agent") "buyer")
? (tr-class-concept
    (tr-class (tr-conceptview (tr-concept "agent") "buyer") "favorite"))
= (tr-concept "agent")
? (tr-class-name (tr-class (tr-conceptview (tr-concept "agent") "buyer") "favorite"))
= "favorite"
? (tr-class-superclass
    (tr-class (tr-conceptview (tr-concept "agent") "buyer") "favorite"))
= (tr-class (tr-conceptview (tr-concept "agent") "buyer") "good")
? (tr-class-superclass
    (tr-conceptview-root (tr-conceptview (tr-concept "agent") "buyer")))
= ()
? (tr-class-subclasses
    (tr-class (tr-conceptview (tr-concept "agent") "buyer") "favorite"))
= ()
? (tr-class-subclasses
    (tr-conceptview-root (tr-conceptview (tr-concept "agent") "buyer")))
= ((tr-class (tr-conceptview (tr-concept "agent") "buyer") "bad")
   (tr-class (tr-conceptview (tr-concept "agent") "buyer") "good"))
? (tr-class-all-subclasses
    (tr-conceptview-root (tr-conceptview (tr-concept "agent") "buyer")))
= ((tr-class (tr-conceptview (tr-concept "agent") "buyer") "agent")
   (tr-class (tr-conceptview (tr-concept "agent") "buyer") "bad")
   (tr-class (tr-conceptview (tr-concept "agent") "buyer") "good")
   (tr-class (tr-conceptview (tr-concept "agent") "buyer") "valuable")
   (tr-class (tr-conceptview (tr-concept "agent") "buyer") "favorite"))
? (tr-class-bridges-in
    (tr-class (tr-conceptview (tr-concept "agent") "buyer") "favorite"))
= ()
? (tr-class-bridges-out
    (tr-class (tr-conceptview (tr-concept "agent") "buyer") "favorite"))
= ()
? (tr-class-slots
    (tr-class (tr-conceptview (tr-concept "agent") "buyer") "favorite"))
= ()
? (tr-class-attached
    (tr-class (tr-conceptview (tr-concept "agent") "buyer") "favorite"))
= ()
? (tr-class-members
    (tr-class (tr-conceptview (tr-concept "agent") "buyer") "favorite"))
= ()

Class field definition: data typing aspects/unary constraints

Class fields are used in order to refine the field definition of the members of a particular class. Some of these fields are devoted to restrict the type of the values of a field (see the "concept field" section for basic values given in concepts), some other to indicate that the fields is now visible under the class. The type refinement is obtained through the addition of field descriptors which are optional in the definition of a field. They have to be filled only if this helps restricting the set of acceptable values of the field.

Type refinement

There is also a type descriptor in a class field definition. It is used in order to refine the type descriptor used in the concept. As in the concept case, it must be distinguished between types and classes.
For types, the type descriptor can only contain a sub-type of the initial type: for instance, it can be the ASCII-string as a sub-type of string. The reader should report to the "type" section (Appendix 5) in order to fully understand and use types and sub-types. Record types have implicit subtypes which are expressed exactly as subclasses types (this is translated by the system).
For classes, the field is refined by specifying a set of classes (of the same concept but different viewpoints) the value (an object here) must be member of. The meaning of that set of classes is that the object to fill the field must be a member of each class in the set. Of course, these classes are classes of the concept and the set of classes can only contain classes which are subclasses of classes in the super-class type specification (by default, if there is no restriction, it is intended that the root class of each missing viewpoint is in the set).

Advanced type refinement

Advanced type refinement applies to fields whose values are objects. It allows to add constraints on the possible values of the fields. This is achieved by defining a sub-class of a particular class which is called filter (see above the "class" section) and to add more field constraints on that class. A filter is defined exactly as a class (with a super-class, a viewpoint and a name), it usually contains more field restrictions and even more inference methods than the initial class but:
It defines the set of admissible values as the objects which are member of its super-classes and which satisfy the restrictions of the filter. Such a filter is different from a filter used as an inference method in the use which is made of it.
An example of filter is the houses located in the center with more than 3 rooms.


The domain descriptor enumerates the set of possible values that can be in the field value. As an example, the center class will restrict the area field value (whose type is chaine, i.e. string) to be "grenoble". In case of collection types, it is possible to specify a set of sets or a set of lists as a domain.


The except descriptor enumerates a set of values which cannot be the value of the field. For instance, the set of address in the residential class will exclude values among "factory St." and "big garbage dr." . In case of collection types, it is possible to exclude a set of sets or a set of lists from the possible values.

Unary constraints

The condition descriptor contains a list of unary predicates which must be satisfied by the values of the fields. For the definitions of unary constraints or predicates, see next chapter. There is no pre-defined constraints in TROEPS. These predicates are checked against the whole value of the field. The value of the field must thus satisfy all the given predicates. For example, if the numbers in a street are (as in some European towns) odd on one side and even on the other, it is possible to delimit the district only by the numbers which are odd in a street (it is sometime usual to have one side in a district and the other side on the other, guess what? the "bec-de-gaz" are different from side to side).


The intervals descriptor applies to ordered types. Types such as integer, real and strings are ordered. It is also possible to define order on other types and to define ordered concepts. The value of such a descriptor is a list of TROEPS interval structures. This restriction means that the field value must belong to one of the given intervals. As an example, under the price viewpoint, the average class constrains the rent field to be in the interval {[10000. 15000.]} .
As an example, these intervals are obtained by the following TALK instructions:
	[45 52]	=>	(tr-make-interval 45 t 52 t)
	[45 52[	=>	(tr-make-interval 45 t 52 ())
	]45 52]	=>	(tr-make-interval 45 () 52 t)
	]45 52[	=>	(tr-make-interval 45 () 52 ())
	]-[infinity] +[infinity][	=>	(tr-make-interval '-inf () '+inf ())


The cardinal descriptor only applies to collection types. It allows to restrict the cardinal (for a set and length for a list) to be a particular positive integer or within a positive integer interval (including +[infinity]). It can be expressed with a positive integer interval. For instance, under the size viewpoint, the more-than-3 rooms class constrains the cardinal of the rooms field to be superior to 3 (i.e. in ]3 +inf[ ).


Screendump 18: Class field display.

Screendump 19: Class field edition.

Screendump 20: Class field typing modification.

Screendump 21: Class field domain modification.

Screendump 22: Class field except modification.

Screendump 23: Class field intervals modification.

Screendump 24: Class field cardinality modification.

Screendump 25: Class field creation.


(tr-classslot-p anything) predicate in [libtrp]

-> boolean, anything entity
Returns anything if the argument anything is a class field, () otherwise.
(tr-create-classslot class classslotname ) function in [libtrp]

-> classslot, class class nac, classslotname string nas, niks, adcs
Creates and returns a new class field of name classslotname in the class class. The corresponding concept field is then visible under the concept viewpoint of the class. It will therefore be known of the system until deletion or initialisation.
(tr-find-classslot class classslotname ) function in [libtrp]

->classslot, class class nac, classslotname string nas, niks
Retrieves and returns the class field of name classslotname in the class class. When no such class field is known, returns ().
(tr-classslot class classslotname ) macro in [libtrp]

-> classslot, class class nac, classslotname string nas, niks
Retrieves and returns the class field of name classslotname in the class class. When no such class field is known, creates and returns it.
(tr-delete-classslot classslot) function in [libtrp]

-> boolean, classslot classslot nacs, neo
Deletes the class field classslot from the environment. If there is no class field corresponding to the same concept field as classslot in the viewpoint, then the concept field is not visible anymore under the concept viewpoint. Afterwards, the class field does not exist anymore in the environment.
(tr-erase-classslot classslot) function in [libtrp]

-> boolean, classslot classslot nacs, neo
Deletes the class field classslot from the environment. Afterwards, the class field does not exist anymore in the environment.
(tr-classslot-name classslot) function in [libtrp]

-> string, classslot classslot nacs
Returns the name of the class field classslot.
(tr-classslot-class classslot) function in [libtrp]

-> class, classslot classslot nacs
Returns the class of the class field classslot.
(tr-classslot-conceptslot classslot) function in [libtrp]

-> conceptslot, classslot classslot nacs
Returns the concept field corresponding to the class field classslot.
(tr-get-classslot-type classslot) function in [libtrp]

-> { class* }, classslot classslot nacs
Returns the type of the class field classslot, () if it is not refined in the class field.
(tr-set-classslot-type classslot type ) function in [libtrp]

-> boolean, classslot classslot nacs, type { class ivt* } ivt, adf
Refines the type of the class field classslot by setting it to the new type type.
(tr-get-classslot-domain classslot) function in [libtrp]

-> { entity* }, classslot classslot nacs
Returns the domain of the class field classslot, () if it is not refined in the class field.
(tr-set-classslot-domain classslot domain) function in [libtrp]

-> boolean, classslot classslot nacs, domain { entity* } ivd, adf
Refines the domain of the class field classslot by restricting it to the new domain domain.
(tr-get-classslot-except classslot) function in [libtrp]

-> { entity* }, classslot classslot nacs
Returns the exceptions of the class field classslot, () if they are not refined in the class field.
(tr-set-classslot-except classslot domain) function in [libtrp]

-> boolean, classslot classslot nacs, domain { entity* } ive, adf
Refines the exceptions of the class field classslot by retracting the new domain domain.
(tr-get-classslot-intervals classslot) function in [libtrp]

-> { interval* }, classslot classslot nacs
Returns the intervals of the class field classslot, () if they are not refined in the class field.
(tr-set-classslot-intervals classslot intervals) function in [libtrp]

-> boolean, classslot classslot nacs, intervals ( interval* ) ivi, adf
Refines the intervals of the class field classslot by restricting them to the new intervals intervals.
(tr-get-classslot-card classslot) function in [libtrp]

-> interval, classslot classslot nacs
Returns the cardinal of the class field classslot, () if it is not refined in the class field.
(tr-set-classslot-card classslot interval ) function in [libtrp]

-> boolean, classslot classslot nacs,nct, interval intervalivcd, adf
Refines the cardinal interval of the class field classslot by restricting it to the new interval interval.


? (tr-classslot-p
      (tr-class (tr-conceptview (tr-concept "agent") "buyer") "agent") "comission"))
= (tr-classslot (tr-class (tr-conceptview (tr-concept "agent") "buyer") "agent") "comission")
? (tr-find-classslot
    (tr-class (tr-conceptview (tr-concept "agent") "buyer") "agent") "comission")
= (tr-classslot (tr-class (tr-conceptview (tr-concept "agent") "buyer") "agent") "comission")
? (tr-create-classslot
    (tr-class (tr-conceptview (tr-concept "agent") "buyer") "agent")
= (tr-classslot (tr-class (tr-conceptview (tr-concept "agent") "buyer") "agent") "houses")
? (tr-classslot-name
    (tr-classslot (tr-class (tr-conceptview (tr-concept "agent") "buyer") "agent")
= "comission"
? (tr-classslot-class
    (tr-classslot (tr-class (tr-conceptview (tr-concept "agent") "buyer") "agent")
= (tr-class (tr-conceptview (tr-concept "agent") "buyer") "agent")
? (tr-get-classslot-intervals
    (tr-classslot (tr-class (tr-conceptview (tr-concept "agent") "buyer") "agent")
= #s(<undef>)
? (tr-set-classslot-intervals
    (tr-classslot (tr-class (tr-conceptview (tr-concept "agent") "buyer") "agent")
    (list (tr-make-interval 0. t 100. t)))
= ((tr-make-interval 0. t 100. t))
? (tr-get-classslot-intervals
    (tr-classslot (tr-class (tr-conceptview (tr-concept "agent") "buyer") "agent")
= ((tr-make-interval 0. t 100. t))
? (tr-set-classslot-intervals
    (tr-classslot (tr-class (tr-conceptview (tr-concept "agent") "buyer") "good")
    (list (tr-make-interval 0. t 7. t)))
= ((tr-make-interval 0. t 7. t))
? (tr-set-classslot-intervals
    (tr-classslot (tr-class (tr-conceptview (tr-concept "agent") "buyer") "bad")
    (list (tr-make-interval 7. () 100. t)))
= ((tr-make-interval 7. () 100. t))
? (tr-set-classslot-domain
    (tr-classslot (tr-class (tr-conceptview (tr-concept "agent") "buyer") "agent")
    (list "meylan" "grenoble" "echirolles" "crolles" "montbonnot"
	       "eybens" "saint-martin d'heres" "fontaine" "sassenage"
	       "sessinnet" "saint-egreve"))
= ("meylan" "grenoble" "echirolles" "crolles" "montbonnot" "eybens" 
"saint-martin d'heres" "fontaine" "sassenage" "sessinnet" "saint-egreve")
? (tr-set-classslot-except
    (tr-classslot (tr-class (tr-conceptview (tr-concept "agent") "buyer") "valuable")
    (list "meylan" "grenoble" "crolles" "montbonnot"
	       "saint-martin d'heres"))
= ("meylan" "grenoble" "crolles" "montbonnot" "saint-martin d'heres")
? (tr-get-classslot-except
    (tr-classslot (tr-class (tr-conceptview (tr-concept "agent") "buyer") "valuable")
= ("meylan" "grenoble" "crolles" "montbonnot" "saint-martin d'heres")
? (tr-set-classslot-domain
    (tr-classslot (tr-class (tr-conceptview (tr-concept "agent") "buyer") "favorite")
    (list "meylan" "grenoble" "crolles" "montbonnot"
	       "saint-martin d'heres"))
= ("meylan" "grenoble" "crolles" "montbonnot" "saint-martin d'heres")
? (tr-get-classslot-domain
    (tr-classslot (tr-class (tr-conceptview (tr-concept "agent") "buyer") "favorite")
= ("meylan" "grenoble" "crolles" "montbonnot" "saint-martin d'heres")
? (tr-set-classslot-type
    (tr-classslot (tr-class (tr-conceptview (tr-concept "agent") "buyer") "favorite")
      (tr-find-class (tr-find-conceptview (tr-find-concept "house") "size") "palace")))
= ((tr-class (tr-conceptview (tr-concept "house") "size") "palace"))
? (tr-get-classslot-type
    (tr-classslot (tr-class (tr-conceptview (tr-concept "agent") "buyer") "favorite")
= ((tr-class (tr-conceptview (tr-concept "house") "size") "palace"))
? (tr-set-classslot-card
    (tr-classslot (tr-class (tr-conceptview (tr-concept "agent") "buyer") "favorite")
    (tr-make-interval 30 t '+inf ()))
= (tr-make-interval 30 t '+inf ())
? (tr-get-classslot-card
    (tr-classslot (tr-class (tr-conceptview (tr-concept "agent") "buyer") "favorite")
= (tr-make-interval 30 t '+inf ())
? (tr-delete-classslot
    (tr-classslot (tr-class (tr-conceptview (tr-concept "agent") "buyer") "agent")
= t
? (tr-class-slots
    (tr-find-class (tr-find-conceptview (tr-find-concept "agent") "buyer") "agent"))
= ((tr-classslot (tr-class (tr-conceptview (tr-concept "agent") "buyer") "agent") "area")
   (tr-classslot (tr-class (tr-conceptview (tr-concept "agent") "buyer") "agent") "comission")
? (tr-class-sorted-slots
        (tr-find-concept "agent")
= ((tr-classslot (tr-class (tr-conceptview (tr-concept "agent") "buyer") "agent") "area")
	(tr-classslot (tr-class (tr-conceptview (tr-concept "agent") "buyer") "agent") "comission")


The structure of filters is the same as those of classes but they are not considered as classes. A filter is a definitional class description attached to a concept or to a set of classes (from different viewpoints). It aims at collecting the set of instances which satisfy its constraints. The filter is satisfied by any instance (of the concept or member of the above classes) which satisfies the constraints defined by the filter. They can be used for various tasks (related to instance retrieval). In particular, filters are used for specifying authorised field values (see the "Class field definition: data typing aspects/unary constraint" section) and inferring possible field values (see the "Computation by filter" section in the "Computing field values" part).
A filter is created through a special function and can be manipulated exactly as a class by adding constraints on it and retrieving its members through tr-class-member). However, filters do not have sub-classes (or sub-filters).
Note that filters are the only element which are not recoverable from their printed forms (i.e. cut and paste of a filter from the result of its creation will not return the filter).


Screendump 26: Filter creation, edition and execution.

Screendump 27: Filter result.


(tr-filter-p anything) function in [libtrp]

-> boolean, anything entity
Creates and returns a new filter from class class with no more constraint than the class class.
(tr-create-filter concept rest: classes) function in [libtrp]

-> filter, concept concept nak, classes { class nac* } ivb
Creates and returns a new filter in concept concept from classes classes with no more constraint than those of the classes.
(tr-delete-filter filter) function in [libtrp]

-> boolean, filter filternaft, neo
Deletes the filter filter. This inhibits it. This can only happen if the filter is as empty as at its creation: i.e. it has no classslots nor constraints. Afterwards, the filter does not exist anymore in the environment.
(tr-erase-filter filter) function in [libtrp]

-> boolean, filter filternaft, neo
Deletes the filter filter and its classslots and constraints.
(tr-filtered-objects filter) function in [libtrp]

-> ( object* ), filter filternaft
Returns the set of objects which satisfy the filter filter.
(tr-concept-proper-filters concept) function in [libtrp]

-> ( filter* ), concept conceptnak
Returns the set of filters of the concept concept which are not attached to any class.
(tr-class-proper-filters class) function in [libtrp]

-> ( filter* ), class classnac
Returns the set of filters directly attached to the class class.
(tr-class-filters class) function in [libtrp]

-> ( filter* ), class classnac
Returns the set of filters indirectly attached under the class class.


? (tr-class-proper-filters
    (tr-class (tr-conceptview (tr-concept "agent") "buyer") "good"))
= ()
? (setf my-filter
		(tr-concept "agent")
		(tr-class (tr-conceptview (tr-concept "agent") "buyer") "good")))
= (tr-filter (tr-concept "agent"))
? (tr-class-proper-filters
    (tr-class (tr-conceptview (tr-concept "agent") "buyer") "good"))
= ((tr-filter (tr-concept "agent")))
? (tr-class-proper-filters
    (tr-class (tr-conceptview (tr-concept "agent") "buyer") "agent"))
= ()
? (tr-class-filters
    (tr-class (tr-conceptview (tr-concept "agent") "buyer") "agent"))
= ((tr-filter (tr-concept "agent")))
? (tr-filter-p my-filter)
= (tr-filter (tr-concept "agent"))
? (tr-concept-proper-filter (tr-concept "agent"))
= ()
? (tr-class-filters
  	(tr-class (tr-conceptview (tr-concept "agent") "buyer") "agent"))
= ((tr-filter (tr-concept "agent")))
? (tr-filtered-objects my-filter)
= ()
? (setf my-other-filter (tr-create-filter (tr-concept "agent")))
= (tr-filter (tr-concept "agent"))
? (eq my-filter my-other-filter)
= ()
? (tr-concept-proper-filters (tr-concept "agent"))
= ((tr-filter (tr-concept "agent")))


Viewpoints define class hierarchies which are not completely independent. As an example, in the house concept it is known that the objects which are members of the residential area under the localisation viewpoint and the more-than-3 room class under the size viewpoint are also in the class of high priced houses under the price viewpoint. This is expressed with the help of bridges.

Figure 8: The house concept augmented with a bridge asserting that the houses located in a residential area with more than three rooms must have a high price. Other (bi-directional) bridges are those related the root classes of the viewpoints.
A bridge has a name and is made of a source which is a set of classes and a destination which is a class in another viewpoint. Thus, unlike a real bridge, a TROEPS bridge is oriented. It asserts that each member of all the source classes is also a member of the destination class.
This entails some consequences among which:
Note that, conceptually, the root class of each viewpoint is related by a bridge with any other root class of any other viewpoint (represented as bi-directional bridges on the picture). However, these implicit bridges are not physically represented in TROEPS. So, it is not possible to find them through the bridge related functions of concepts and classes.

Further constraints must be satisfied when installing bridges: a bridge must not lead to a contradiction in the inclusion relations induced by specialisation. As a matter of fact, some points are deduced by TROEPS:

Figure 9: Examples of a circularity prohibited by TROEPS (a) and two others (b and c) non prohibited.

Finally, TROEPS is able to detect subsumption among bridges and to warn the user of this. The semantics of bridge subsumption is that a bridge is subsumed by another if and only if any possible object falling under it would also fall under the other and their destination classes are in specialisation relation. More formally, a bridge is subsumed by another if and only if for each class in the source of the latter there exists a super-class of it in that of the former and the destination of the former is a super-class of that of the latter. As an example, Figure 10 illustrates the fact that B1 is subsumed by B2 and B3 but B2 and B3 are non comparable by bridge subsumption since if all objects which fall under B3 also fall under B2, B3 is more precise than B2 (it leads to a more specific class).

Figure 10: Bridge subsumption example: B1 is subsumed by both B2 and B3.


Screendump 28: Bridge display.

Screendump 29: Bridge edition.

Screendump 30: Bridge creation and modification.


( tr-bridge-p anything) predicate in [libtrp]

-> boolean, anything entity
Returns anything if the argument anything is a bridge, () otherwise.
(tr-create-bridge concept name source destination ) function in [libtrp]

-> bridge, concept concept nak, name string nas,adb,, source { class nac* } ivbp , destination class nac
Creates and returns a new bridge between the source classes source and the destination class destination. This bridge is automatically inserted in the list of bridges of the concept and the lists of bridges of the concerned classes. The consequences of the bridge establishment on the types of classes under the different viewpoints are computed and notified.
Error messages: bik, rbb, rba
(tr-find-bridge concept bridgename ) function in [libtrp]

->bridge, concept concept nak, bridgename string nas
Retrieves and returns the bridge of name bridgename in the concept concept. When no such bridge is known, returns ().
(tr-bridge concept bridgename source destination ) function in [libtrp]

->bridge, concept concept nak, bridgename string nas, source { class nac* } ivbp , destination class nac
Retrieves and returns the bridge of name bridgename in the concept concept. When no such bridge is known, creates and returns it.
(tr-delete-bridge bridge ) function in [libtrp]

-> boolean, bridge bridge nap, neo
Deletes the bridge bridge from its concept. The bridge is automatically removed from the list of bridges of the concept and the list of bridges of source and destination classes.
(tr-erase-bridge bridge ) function in [libtrp]

-> boolean, bridge bridge nap, neo
Deletes the bridge bridge from its concept. The bridge is automatically removed from the list of bridges of the concept and the lists of bridges of source and destination classes.
(tr-bridge-concept bridge ) function in [libtrp]

-> concept, bridge bridge nap
Returns the concept of the bridge bridge.
(tr-bridge-name bridge ) function in [libtrp]

-> string, bridge bridge nap
Returns the name of the bridge bridge.
(tr-bridge-rename bridge name ) function in [libtrp]

-> string, bridge bridge nap, name string nas, adp
Changes the name of the bridge bridge for the string name.
(tr-bridge-source bridge ) function in [libtrp]

-> { class* }, bridge bridge nap
Returns the set of source classes of the bridge bridge.
(tr-bridge-destination bridge ) function in [libtrp]

-> class, bridge bridge nap
Returns the destination class of the bridge bridge.


? (tr-bridge-p ())
= ()
? (tr-bridge-p
      (tr-concept "agent") "bad-agents-are-preferable"
      (list (tr-class (tr-conceptview (tr-concept "agent") "buyer") "favorite"))
      (tr-class (tr-conceptview (tr-concept "agent") "seller") "bad")))
= (tr-bridge (tr-concept "agent") "bad-agents-are-preferable")
? (tr-class-bridges-in (tr-class (tr-conceptview (tr-concept "agent") "seller") "bad"))
= ((tr-bridge (tr-concept "agent") "bad-agents-are-preferable"))
? (tr-class-bridges-out
    (tr-class (tr-conceptview (tr-concept "agent") "buyer") "favorite"))
= ((tr-bridge (tr-concept "agent") "bad-agents-are-preferable"))
? (tr-concept-bridges (tr-concept "agent"))
= ((tr-bridge (tr-concept "agent") "bad-agents-are-preferable"))
? (tr-bridge-concept (tr-bridge (tr-concept "agent") "bad-agents-are-preferable"))
= (tr-concept "agent")
? (tr-bridge-name (tr-bridge (tr-concept "agent") "bad-agents-are-preferable"))
= "bad-agents-are-preferable"
? (tr-bridge-source (tr-bridge (tr-concept "agent") "bad-agents-are-preferable"))
= ((tr-class (tr-conceptview (tr-concept "agent") "buyer") "favorite"))
? (tr-bridge-destination (tr-bridge (tr-concept "agent") "bad-agents-are-preferable"))
= (tr-class (tr-conceptview (tr-concept "agent") "seller") "bad")


An object is an instance of a concept. It is made of a collection of field values corresponding to fields defined in the concept. Fields, but key fields, can be unfilled (i.e. have no value). For a value of the key there exists only one corresponding object. This ensure the identity and the identifiability of the object. An object may evolve during its life-cycle (from its creation to its deletion) but the key field values cannot change.
As an example, in the real estate base, a particular house is represented by an instance of the house concept whose address is "rue Monge" , number is 3, floor is 2, area is "Latin quarter" (I know you knew), rent-price is 4500. (Yeah, these are French francs) and nb-rooms is 2 (so, you cannot come with your kids). It is noteworthy that TROEPS is suited to real estate purpose since it is possible to have unfilled fields such as the one concerning the surface (floor dimension) of the apartment. Since the key of a house instance is the address plus a floor plus a number, this house is uniquely identified and that is why the mail can reach it (however, for mail concerning TROEPS, you can send it to the address in the introductory note, thanks).
An instance is attached to one and only one class, for each viewpoint. This is described by the is-in field, the value of which is the set of classes of the object (when there is no class for a viewpoint, it is assumed that the value is the root class of that viewpoint). This object is attached to the average (for Paris of course) class under the price viewpoint, the center for the localisation viewpoint and the F2 for the size viewpoint. The instance belongs to its initial class and to any of its super-classes, under each viewpoint. Of course, all the field values of the above instance (the one whose address is "rue Monge" , number is 3 and whose floor is 2) satisfy the constraints put on them by the different classes. Moreover, even the unknown fields must satisfy the constraints (so, it is considered that the real value of the field satisfies them). This is asserted by the fact that the user (or one of his programs) has (voluntarily) attached the object to the class. For instance, the real estate agent lets the customer think that there is a bridge from a flat whose rent-price is higher than 4000 Francs and a flat whose surface is more than 40 m 2. Such a bridge would enable to deduce that the size of the above flat is more than 40 m 2. However, there is no such bridge in the base (read your contract again).
A complete instance, when considered from a global viewpoint, shows its complete information, i.e. values for each field of the concept. On the other hand, when considered under a specific viewpoint, only fields known under this viewpoint can be seen, so a viewpoint provides a partial view on the instance (any other field is hidden under the viewpoint). As an example, the object representing the house described above has an address, door number, floor number under each viewpoint plus:

Class definition, attachment and values

There is a subtle game between class definition, attachment and field values. As a matter of fact, any change of one of them must comply with the definition of the others: changing attachment can only be done if the slot values comply with the new class definition, changing a slot value can only be achieved if the value complies with the definition of the current attachment classes and changing a class definition requires that the attached objects complies the new definition.
In the current implementation, such an operation can only be achieved if it does not conflict with the others. This also applies to the knowledge bases in textual format.


Screendump 31: Object display.

Screendump 32: Object edition. The key field values are not editable.

Screendump 33: Object creation and modification.

Screendump 34: Field value modification.

Screendump 35: Object attachment.


(tr-object-p anything) predicate in [libtrp]

-> boolean, anything entity
Returns anything if the argument anything is an object, () otherwise.
(tr-create-object concept keyval ) function in [libtrp]

-> object, concept concept nak, keyval ( entity* ) ivk, aeo
Creates and returns a new instance of the concept concept with the key specified by the list of key field values keyval. It will therefore be known of the system until deletion or initialisation.
(tr-create-complete-object concept classlist slotvallist ) function in [libtrp]

-> object, concept concept nak, classlist { class nac* } ivps, slotvallist { (string nas,nsa . entity) btv* } ivk, aeo
Creates and returns a new instance of the concept concept with the list of field values given in slotvallist (which must at least contain the values for key slots). The created object is attached to the classes in classlist. It will be known of the system until deletion or initialisation.
(tr-find-object concept keyval ) function in [libtrp]

-> object, concept concept nak, keyval ( entity* ) ivk
Retrieves and returns the instance of concept concept with key keyval. When no such object is known, returns ().
(tr-object concept keyval ) macro in [libtrp]

-> object, concept concept nak, keyval ( entity* ) ivk
Retrieves and returns the instance of concept concept with key keyval. When no such object is known, creates and returns it.
(tr-delete-object object ) function in [libtrp]

-> boolean, object object nao, neo
Deletes the object object from the environment. Afterwards, the object does not exist anymore in the environment.
(tr-erase-object object ) function in [libtrp]

-> boolean, object object nao, neo
Deletes the object object from the environment. Afterwards, the object does not exist anymore in the environment.
(tr-object-key object ) function in [libtrp]

-> ( entity* ), object object nao
Returns the list of key field values of the object object.
(tr-object-concept object ) function in [libtrp]
(tr-is-a object ) macro in [libtrp]

-> concept, object object nao
Returns the concept of the object object.
(tr-is-in object rest: views ) function in [libtrp]

-> { class* }, object object nao, views { conceptview nakv* } ivsp
Returns the set of classes to which the object object is attached. If the optional set of concept views views is provided, only the classes in the concerned views are returned.
(tr-is-in-under object conceptview ) function in [libtrp]

-> class, object object nao, conceptview conceptview nakv
Returns the class to which the object object is attached under the concept viewpoint conceptview.
(tr-attach object class ) function in [libtrp]

-> class, object object nao, class class nac, nik
Attaches the object object to the class class. The previous attachment class of the object under the same concept viewpoint is no longer valid. Note that the compliance of the object with the class definition is checked before attachment; in case of failure, nothing is changed.
(tr-set-value object slotname value rest: views ) function in [libtrp]

-> boolean, object object nao, slotname string nas, ukks ,value entity ivsv, cmk, kcv, ccv ,
views { conceptview nakv* } ivsp
Sets the value of the field of name slotname of the object object to the value value. If the value in the field is any other value, an error is raised. The compliance of the new value value with the type of the classslot in each class to which the object is attached is checked. If it fails, nothing is changed and the error ivsv is raised. If the optional set of concept views views is provided, the action only happens if the field is visible under at least one of the views.
(tr-unset-value object slotname rest: views ) function in [libtrp]

-> boolean, object object nao, slotname string nas, ukks ,views { conceptview nakv* } ivsp
Resets the value of the field of name slotname of the object object. The old value of the field, if any, is discarded. If the optional set of concept views views is provided, the action only happens if the field is visible under at least one of the views.
( tr-get-value object slotname rest: views ) function in [libtrp]

-> value, object object nao, slotname string nas, ukks , views { conceptview nakv* } ivsp
Returns the value of the field of name slotname of the object object to the value value. If no value has been provided for the field, the (unbound-slot-value) value is returned. If the optional set of concept views views is provided, the action only happens if the field is visible under at least one of the views.
(tr-modify-value object slotname value rest: views ) function in [libtrp]

-> boolean, object object nao, slotname string nas, ukks ,value entity ivsv, cmk, kcv, ccv ,
views { conceptview nakv* } ivsp
Sets the value of the field of name slotname of the object object to the value value. If the value in the field is any other value, no error is raised. The compliance of the new value value with the type of the classslot in each class to which the object is attached is checked. If it fails, nothing is changed and the error ivsv is raised. If the optional set of concept views views is provided, the action only happens if the field is visible under at least one of the views.
(tr-add-value object slotname value rest: views ) function in [libtrp]

-> boolean, object object nao, slotname string nas, ukks,ncs ,value entity ivsv, cmk, kcv, ccv ,
views { conceptview nakv* } ivsp
Adds the value value to the value of the field of name slotname of the object object. The compliance of the value with the type of the field is checked. If it fails, nothing is changed. If the optional set of concept views views is provided, the action only happens if the field is visible under at least one of the views.
(tr-rem-value object slotname value rest: views ) function in [libtrp]

-> boolean, object object nao, slotname string nsa, ukks,ncs ,value entity ivsv, cmk, kcv, ccv ,
views { conceptview nakv* } ivsp
Removes the value value from the field of name slotname of the object object. The compliance of the value with the type of the field is checked. If it fails, nothing is changed. If the optional set of concept views views is provided, the action only happens if the field is visible under at least one of the views.
(tr-mem-value object slotname value rest: views ) function in [libtrp]

-> boolean, object object nao, slotname string nsa, ukks,ncs ,value entity ivsv, views { conceptview nakv* } ivsp
Returns the value value if it is a member of the value of the field of name slotname of the object object and () if it is not. If the optional set of concept views views is provided, the action only happens if the field is visible under at least one of the views.


? (tr-object-p ())
= ()
? (tr-object-p (tr-create-object (tr-concept "agent") '("immo38")))
= (tr-object (tr-concept "agent") '("immo38"))
? (tr-find-object (tr-concept "agent") '("immo38"))
= (tr-object (tr-concept "agent") '("immo38"))
? (tr-create-complete-object
    (tr-concept "agent")
    (list (tr-class (tr-conceptview (tr-concept "agent") "buyer") "favorite")
	       (tr-class (tr-conceptview (tr-concept "agent") "seller") "bad"))
   '(("name" . "first-immo")
     ("comission" . 6.5)
     ("area" . "grenoble")))
= (tr-object (tr-concept "agent") '("first-immo"))
? (tr-concept-instances (tr-concept "agent"))
= ((tr-object (tr-concept "agent") '("immo38"))
   (tr-object (tr-concept "agent") '("first-immo")))
? (tr-class-attached (tr-class (tr-conceptview (tr-concept "agent") "buyer") "agent"))
= ((tr-object (tr-concept "agent") '("immo38")))
? (tr-class-attached (tr-class (tr-conceptview (tr-concept "agent") "buyer") "bad"))
= ()
? (tr-class-members (tr-class (tr-conceptview (tr-concept "agent") "buyer") "agent"))
= ((tr-object (tr-concept "agent") '("immo38"))
   (tr-object (tr-concept "agent") '("first-immo")))
? (tr-create-object (tr-concept "agent") '("bond, my name is bond"))
= (tr-object (tr-concept "agent") '("bond, my name is bond"))
? (tr-delete-object (tr-object (tr-concept "agent") '("bond, my name is bond")))
= t
? (tr-object-key (tr-find-object (tr-concept "agent") '("immo38")))
= ("immo38")
? (tr-object-concept (tr-find-object (tr-concept "agent") '("immo38")))
= (tr-concept "agent")
? (tr-is-in (tr-find-object (tr-concept "agent") '("immo38")))
= ((tr-class (tr-conceptview (tr-concept "agent") "buyer") "agent")
   (tr-class (tr-conceptview (tr-concept "agent") "seller") "agent"))
? (tr-is-in (tr-find-object (tr-concept "agent") '("first-immo")))
= ((tr-class (tr-conceptview (tr-concept "agent") "buyer") "favorite")
   (tr-class (tr-conceptview (tr-concept "agent") "seller") "bad")
? (tr-is-in-under
    (tr-find-object (tr-concept "agent") '("first-immo"))
    (tr-conceptview (tr-concept "agent") "seller"))
= (tr-class (tr-conceptview (tr-concept "agent") "seller") "bad")
? (tr-attach
    (tr-find-object (tr-concept "agent") '("immo38"))
    (tr-class (tr-conceptview (tr-concept "agent") "buyer") "bad"))
= (tr-class (tr-conceptview (tr-concept "agent") "buyer") "bad")
? (tr-class-attached
    (tr-class (tr-find-conceptview (tr-concept "agent") "buyer") "bad"))
= ((tr-object (tr-concept "agent") '("immo38")))
? (tr-is-in-under
    (tr-find-object (tr-concept "agent") '("immo38"))
    (tr-conceptview (tr-concept "agent") "buyer"))
= (tr-class (tr-conceptview (tr-concept "agent") "buyer") "bad")
? (tr-filtered-objects my-filter)
= ((tr-object (tr-concept "agent") '("first-immo")))
? (tr-set-classslot-domain
    (tr-create-classslot my-filter "area")
    (list "meylan" "montbonnot"))
= ("meylan" "montbonnot")
? (tr-filtered-objects my-filter)
= ()
? (tr-get-value (tr-object (tr-concept "agent") '("immo38")) "area")
= #s(<undef>)
? (tr-set-value (tr-object (tr-concept "agent") '("immo38")) "area" "saint-egreve")
= (tr-object (tr-concept "agent") '("immo38"))
? (tr-get-value (tr-object (tr-concept "agent") '("immo38")) "area")
= "saint-egreve"
? (tr-modify-value (tr-object (tr-concept "agent") '("immo38")) "area" "grenoble")
= (tr-object (tr-concept "agent") '("immo38"))
? (tr-get-value (tr-object (tr-concept "agent") '("immo38")) "area")
= "grenoble"
? (tr-unset-value (tr-object (tr-concept "agent") '("immo38")) "area")
= (tr-object (tr-concept "agent") '("immo38"))
? (tr-get-value (tr-object (tr-concept "agent") '("immo38")) "houses")
= #s(<undef>)
? (tr-get-value (tr-object (tr-concept "agent") '("immo38")) "houses")
= #s(<undef>)
? (tr-set-value (tr-object (tr-concept "agent") '("immo38")) "houses"
    (list (tr-object (tr-concept "house") '("meylan" 176 3))))
= (tr-object (tr-concept "agent") '("immo38"))
? (tr-add-value (tr-object (tr-concept "agent") '("immo38")) "houses"
    (tr-object (tr-concept "house") '("rue Monge" 3 2)))
= (tr-object (tr-concept "agent") '("immo38"))
? (tr-mem-value
    (tr-object (tr-concept "agent") '("immo38"))
    (tr-object (tr-concept "house") '("rue Monge" 3 2)))
= ((tr-object (tr-concept "house") '("rue Monge" 3 2)))
? (tr-rem-value
    (tr-object (tr-concept "agent") '("immo38"))
    (tr-object (tr-concept "house") '("meylan" 176 3)))
= (tr-object (tr-concept "agent") '("immo38"))
? (tr-get-value
    (tr-object (tr-concept "agent") '("immo38"))
= ((tr-object (tr-concept "house") '("rue Monge" 3 2)))


The current version of TROEPS contains a very rough mechanism for annotating fields and objects. Thus, any TROEPS entity and any object field can receive annotations. Users may declare labels for annotations (preventing the concurrent use of the same label), assign and retrieve annotations in fields objects. The current implementation does not provide any mechanism for securing annotations (setting an annotation erases any previous value for it). So, using annotations requires a great deal of programming. However, the annotation system, when unused, adds only one additional field per object and does not waste additional time but for allocating memory.
The set of already reserved annotation is presented in Appendix 9.
Typed annotations are saved in a file which extension is .adf. Others are not saved.


(tr-declare-annotation label comment optional: type const ) function in [libtrp]

-> label, label string nas,ada, comment string nas, type string|concept ivt, const string nas, ivc
Declares the label label for annotating objects, raise an error if the label is already declared. If no type and constructor is given the annotation will simply not be saved.
(tr-declared-annotation-p label) function in [libtrp]

-> string|(), label string nas
Checks if the label label is declared for annotations. If so, returns its comment otherwise returns ().
(tr-set-slot-annotation object slotname label annotation ) function in [libtrp]

-> object, object object nao, slotname string nas,ukks, label string nas,naa, annotation entity , bta
Sets the annotation annotation under the label label for the field slotname of the object object. This primitive does not check whether there is already a value or not: it just replaces it.
(tr-get-slot-annotation object slotname label ) function in [libtrp]

-> object, object object nao, slotname string nas,ukks, label string nas,naa
Gets and returns the annotation under the label label for the field slotname of the object object. Returns () if no such annotation is defined.
(tr-rem-slot-annotation object slotname label ) function in [libtrp]

-> object, object object nao, slotname string nas,ukks, label string nas,naa
Erases the annotation under the label label for the field slotname of the object object.

The following primitives allow to annotate any of the TROEPS entities defined above (base, concepts, viewpoints, classes, instances, etc.).
(tr-set-annotation entity label annotation ) function in [libtrp]

-> entity, entity entity nao, label string nas,naa, annotation entity , bta
Sets the annotation annotation under the label label for the entity entity. This primitive does not check whether there is already a value or not: it just replaces it.
(tr-get-annotation entity label ) function in [libtrp]

-> entity, entity entity nao, label string nas,naa
Gets and returns the annotation under the label label for the entity entity. Returns () if no such annotation is defined.
(tr-rem-annotation entity label ) function in [libtrp]

-> entity, entity entity nao, label string nas,naa
Erases the annotation under the label label for the entity entity.


? (tr-declared-annotation-p "my-opinion")
= ()
? (tr-declare-annotation "my-opinion" "Here is my opinion on the considered item")
= "Here is my opinion on the considered item"
? (tr-declared-annotation-p "my-opinion")
= "Here is my opinion on the considered item"
? (tr-set-annotation
    (tr-class (tr-conceptview (tr-concept "agent") "buyer") "good")
    "Here I put good agents as far as I can judge")
= "Here I put good agents as far as I can judge"
? (tr-set-annotation
    (tr-object (tr-concept "agent") '("first-immo"))
    "Not really the first, but at least, not the last")
= "Not really the first, but at least, not the last"
? (tr-get-annotation
	(tr-object (tr-concept "agent") '("first-immo"))
= "Not really the first, but at lest, not the last")
? (tr-rem-annotation
	(tr-object (tr-concept "agent") '("first-immo"))
= ()
? (tr-get-annotation
	(tr-object (tr-concept "agent") '("first-immo"))
= ()
? (tr-set-slot-annotation
    (tr-object (tr-concept "agent") '("first-immo"))
    '("the agent lives in area" "saint-egreve"))
= ("the agent lives in area" "saint-egreve")
? (tr-get-slot-annotation
    (tr-object (tr-concept "agent") '("first-immo"))
= ("the agent lives in area" "saint-egreve")
? (tr-rem-slot-annotation
    (tr-object (tr-concept "agent") '("first-immo"))
= ()
? (tr-get-slot-annotation
    (tr-object (tr-concept "agent") '("first-immo"))
= ()


Facility for manipulating a lexicon has been added to the TROEPS system. The lexicon helps both the designer and the user of a knowledge base in providing the definitions of the terms used in the knowledge base (as identifiers) and relating these terms.

Description of lexicon elements

A lexicon is a simple set of lexitems. Each lexitem represents a particular term. It is characterised by the following information:
The relationship between these components of lexitems are managed correctly, for instance, if furnished is declared as an antonym of non furnished then non furnished is an antonym of furnished (however, if symmetry is dealt with correctly, this is not the case for transitivity neither for synonyms nor hyponyms).

Linking lexicon elements to TROEPS objects

Lexicons can be saved in files and loaded at any time. They can also be linked to the entities of a knowledge base. This means that for any entity, if its name is a term corresponding to a lexitem, then the entity will be added to the related objects of the lexitem and the lexitem will be considered as the lexical equivalent of the entity (there can be several entities related to a lexitem while there is only one lexitem connected with an entity).
A knowledge base can have one or several lexicons attached to it. This means that at knowledge base load time, the lexicon will be loaded and the knowledge base will be indexed by the terms in the lexicons.


Screendump 36: Lexicon home page.

Screendump 37: Lexitem display.

Screendump 38: Lexitem edition.

Screendump 39: Lexitem creation.


(tr-load-lexicon filename optional: print ) function in [libtrp]

-> boolean, filename filename naf,fnf, print boolean
Loads the lexicon contained in file filename.
(tr-save-lexicon filename) function in [libtrp]

-> boolean, filename filename naf
Saves all the lexitems contained in the environment in the file filename.
(tr-lexitem-p anything) function in [libtrp]

-> boolean, anything entity
Returns anything if the argument anything is a lexitem, () otherwise.
(tr-create-lexitem name hyperonym ) function in [libtrp]

-> lexitem, name string nas, hyperonyms ()|lexitem nali
Creates a lexitem corresponding to a term. It has name for name and hyperonym for hyperorym if there are specified.
(tr-find-lexitem name) function in [libtrp]

-> lexitem, name string nas
Finds the lexitem corresponding to the term name.
(tr-delete-lexitem lexitem) function in [libtrp]

-> boolean, lexitem lexitem nali
Deletes the lexitem lexitem.
(tr-lexitem-name lexitem) function in [libtrp]

-> string, lexitem lexitem nali
Returns the name of the lexitem lexitem.
(tr-lexitem-rename lexitem name ) function in [libtrp]

-> string, lexitem lexitem nali, name string nas,adl
Returns the name of the lexitem lexitem.
(tr-lexitem-definition lexitem) function in [libtrp]

-> string, lexitem lexitem nali
Returns the definition of the lexitem lexitem.
(tr-lexitem-hyperonym lexitem) function in [libtrp]

-> lexitem, lexitem lexitem nali
Returns the hyperonym of the lexitem lexitem.
(tr-lexitem-hyponyms lexitem) function in [libtrp]

-> ( lexitem* ), lexitem lexitem nali
Returns the hyponyms of the lexitem lexitem.
(tr-lexitem-synonyms lexitem) function in [libtrp]

-> ( lexitem* ), lexitem lexitem nali
Returns the synonyms of the lexitem lexitem.
(tr-lexitem-antonyms lexitem) function in [libtrp]

-> ( lexitem* ), lexitem lexitem nali
Returns the antonyms of the lexitem lexitem.
(tr-lexitem-bibliography lexitem) function in [libtrp]

-> ( string* ), lexitem lexitem nali
Returns the bibliographic references of the lexitem lexitem.
(tr-lexitem-objects lexitem) function in [libtrp]

-> ( entity* ), lexitem lexitem nali
Returns the TROEPS entities related to the lexitem lexitem.
(tr-lexitem-set-hyperonym lexitem hyperonym ) function in [libtrp]

-> lexitem, lexitem lexitem nali, hyperlexitemnali
Sets the hyperonym of the lexitem lexitem to be the lexitem hyperonym.
(tr-lexitem-set-definition lexitem definition ) function in [libtrp]

-> lexitem, lexitem lexitem nali, definition stringnas
Sets the definition of the lexitem lexitem to be the string definition.
(tr-lexitem-add-hyponym lexitem hyponym ) function in [libtrp]

-> lexitem, lexitem lexitem nali, hyponym lexitemnali
Add the lexitem hyponym in the hyponyms of the lexitem lexitem.
(tr-lexitem-add-synonym lexitem synonym ) function in [libtrp]

-> lexitem, lexitem lexitem nali, synonym lexitemnali
Adds the lexitem synonym in the synonyms of the lexitem lexitem.
(tr-lexitem-add-antonym lexitem antonym ) function in [libtrp]

-> lexitem, lexitem lexitem nali, antonym lexitemnali
Adds the lexitem antonym in the antonyms of the lexitem lexitem.
(tr-lexitem-add-bibliography lexitem bibliography ) function in [libtrp]

-> lexitem, lexitem lexitem nali, bibliography string
Adds the bibliographic reference bibliography in the bibliography of the lexitem lexitem.
(tr-lexitem-add-object lexitem object ) function in [libtrp]

-> lexitem, lexitem lexitem nali, object entitynao
Adds the entity object in the related objects of the lexitem lexitem.
(tr-lexitem-rem-hyponym lexitem hyponym ) function in [libtrp]

-> lexitem, lexitem lexitem nali, hyponym lexitemnali
Removes the lexitem hyponym from the hyponyms of the lexitem lexitem.
(tr-lexitem-rem-synonym lexitem synonym ) function in [libtrp]

-> lexitem, lexitem lexitem nali, synonym lexitemnali
Removes the lexitem synonym from the synonyms of the lexitem lexitem.
(tr-lexitem-rem-antonym lexitem antonym ) function in [libtrp]

-> lexitem, lexitem lexitem nali, antonym lexitemnali
Removes the lexitem antonym from the antonyms of the lexitem lexitem.
(tr-lexitem-rem-bibliography lexitem bibliography ) function in [libtrp]

-> lexitem, lexitem lexitem nali, bibliography string
Removes the bibliographic reference bibliography from the bibliography of the lexitem lexitem.
(tr-lexitem-rem-object lexitem object ) function in [libtrp]

-> lexitem, lexitem lexitem nali, object entitynao
Removes the entity object from the related objects of the lexitem lexitem.
(tr-attach-lexicon base) function in [libtrp]

-> entity, base base nab
Attaches to each entity contained in the base base the lexitem corresponding to it.
(tr-get-lexitem entity) function in [libtrp]

-> lexitem, entity entity nao
Returns the lexitem attached to a particular TROEPS entity entity ( () if none is attached).


? (tr-create-lexitem `house ())
= (tr-lexitem "house")
? (tr-lexitem-name (tr-find-lexitem "house"))
= "house"
? (tr-lexitem-set-definition (tr-find-lexitem "house")
		"a building in which people, usually one familly, live in")
= "a building in which people, usually one familly, live in"
? (tr-lexitem-definition (tr-find-lexitem "house"))
= "a building in which people, usually one familly, live in"
? (tr-lexitem-add-bibliography (tr-find-lexitem "house")
		"Cambridge international dictionary of English, Cambridge university press, Cambridge (UK), 1995"))
= ("Cambridge international dictionary of English, Cambridge university press, Cambridge (UK), 1995")
? (tr-lexitem-bibliography (tr-find-lexitem "house"))
= ("Cambridge international dictionary of English, Cambridge university press, Cambridge (UK), 1995")
? (tr-lexitem-set-hyperonym (tr-find-lexitem "house")
		(tr-create-lexitem `building ()))
= (tr-lexitem "house")
? (tr-lexitem-hyperonym (tr-find-lexitem "house"))
= (tr-lexitem "building")
? (tr-lexitem-hyponyms (tr-find-lexitem "building"))
= ((tr-lexitem "house"))
? (tr-lexitem-add-hyponym (tr-find-lexitem "building")
		(tr-create-lexitem `flat ()))
= ((tr-lexitem "flat")(tr-lexitem "house"))
? (tr-lexitem-hyperonyms (tr-find-lexitem "flat"))
= ()
? (tr-lexitem-hyponyms (tr-find-lexitem "building"))
= ((tr-lexitem "flat")(tr-lexitem "house"))
? (tr-lexitem-add-synonym (tr-find-lexitem "flat")
		(tr-create-lexitem `appartment ()))
= ((tr-lexitem "flat"))
? (tr-lexitem-synonyms (tr-find-lexitem "flat"))
= ((tr-lexitem "appartment"))
? (tr-lexitem-synonyms (tr-find-lexitem "appartment"))
= ((tr-lexitem "flat"))
? (tr-lexitem-add-antonym (tr-create-lexitem `furnished ()))
		(tr-create-lexitem `non furnished ()))
= ((tr-lexitem "furnished"))
? (tr-lexitem-antonyms (tr-find-lexitem "furnished"))
= ((tr-lexitem "non furnished"))
? (tr-lexitem-antonyms (tr-find-lexitem "non furnished"))
= ((tr-lexitem "furnished"))
? (tr-attach-lexicon (tr-base "real-estate"))
= t
? (tr-lexitem-objects (tr-find-lexitem "house"))
= ((tr-class (tr-conceptview (tr-concept "house") "price") "house")
	(tr-class (tr-conceptview (tr-concept "house") "test") "house")
	(tr-class (tr-conceptview (tr-concept "house") "size") "house")
	(tr-class (tr-conceptview (tr-concept "house") "localisation") "house")
	(tr-concept "house"))
? (tr-get-lexitem (tr-concept "house"))
= (tr-lexitem "house")
? (tr-lexitem-add-object (tr-find-lexitem "house")
		(tr-object (tr-concept "house") `("rue Monge" 2 3))))
= (tr-lexitem "house")
? (tr-lexitem-objects (tr-find-lexitem "house"))
= ((tr-object (tr-concept "house") `("rue Monge" 2 3))
	(tr-class (tr-conceptview (tr-concept "house") "price") "house")
	(tr-class (tr-conceptview (tr-concept "house") "test") "house")
	(tr-class (tr-conceptview (tr-concept "house") "size") "house")
	(tr-class (tr-conceptview (tr-concept "house") "localisation") "house")
	(tr-concept "house"))
? (tr-save-lexicon #f"real-estate.ldf")
= ()
? (tr-lexitem-rem-object (tr-find-lexitem "house") (tr-concept "house"))
= (tr-lexitem "house")
? (tr-lexitem-objects (tr-find-lexitem "house"))
= ((tr-object (tr-concept "house") `("rue Monge" 2 3))
	(tr-class (tr-conceptview (tr-concept "house") "price") "house")
	(tr-class (tr-conceptview (tr-concept "house") "test") "house")
	(tr-class (tr-conceptview (tr-concept "house") "size") "house")
	(tr-class (tr-conceptview (tr-concept "house") "localisation") "house"))
? (tr-lexitem-rem-synonym (tr-find-lexitem "flat") (tr-find-lexitem "appartment"))
= ()
? (tr-lexitem-synonyms (tr-find-lexitem "appartment"))
= ()
? (tr-lexitem-rem-antonym (tr-find-lexitem "furnished") (tr-find-lexitem "non furnished"))
= ()
? (tr-lexitem-antonyms (tr-find-lexitem "non furnished"))
= ()
? (tr-lexitem-rem-bibliography (tr-find-lexitem "house")
		"Cambridge international dictionary of English, Cambridge university press, Cambridge (UK), 1995")
= ()
? (tr-lexitem-bibliography (tr-find-lexitem "house"))
= ()
? (tr-lexitem-rem-hyponym (tr-find-lexitem "building") (tr-find-lexitem "flat"))
= ()
? (tr-lexitem-hyperonym (tr-find-lexitem "flat"))
= ()
? (tr-delete-lexitem "house")
= t
? (tr-find-lexitem "house")
= ()
? (tr-load-lexicon #f"real-estate.ldf")
= ()
? (tr-find-lexitem "house")
= (tr-lexicon "house")